Request to Change the Category of a URL
Advanced URL Filtering

Request to Change the Category of a URL

Table of Contents

Request to Change the Category of a URL

If you believe PAN-DB has incorrectly categorized a website, submit a URL category change request by one of these methods.
Where can I use this?
What do I need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • NGFW (Managed by PAN-OS or Panorama)
  • Legacy URL filtering licenses are discontinued, but active legacy licenses are still supported.
  • Prisma Access
    licenses include
    Advanced URL Filtering
If you think a domain or URL has been incorrectly categorized, you can submit a recategorization request through your firewall or Test A Site, our URL category lookup tool. You can also submit bulk recategorization requests through Test A Site. Both methods require you to suggest at least one new category for the URL you want reviewed.
You cannot request a change to the risk category a URL receives, or for URLs categorized as
insufficient content
newly-registered domains
On the firewall, you can request a URL category change from the Detailed Log View of a URL filtering log entry. On Test A Site, you must enter the website you want to recategorize to view its PAN-DB categorization. The request form link follows the search results.
Similarly, in
Strata Cloud Manager
, a link to the Test A Site form displays with the results from queries to the internal Test A Site tool available when editing URL Access Management profiles.
To access the bulk change request form, you'll need to log in to Test A Site. After logging in, the webpage displays a link to the bulk request form.
Immediately after someone submits a change request, an automated crawler analyzes the URL. If the crawler validates your category suggestion, Palo Alto Networks approves your request and immediately updates PAN-DB with the new category. If not, human editors from Palo Alto Networks threat research and data science teams review your request. They may decide to keep the original category, agree with your suggested category, or change the category (if they disagree with both the original and the suggested category).
After submitting a change request, you’ll receive an email confirmation. After the investigation is complete, you’ll receive a second email with the results.

Request to Change the Category of a URL (

  1. Access the URL Filtering logs (
    URL Filtering
  2. Open the Detailed Log View for a URL filtering log entry with URL categorization you would like to change.
    1. Click the spyglass (
      ) corresponding to the log entry. The Detailed Log View appears.
  3. Under Details, click
    Request Categorization Change
  4. Complete the request form, and submit it.

Request to Change the Category of a URL (Test A Site)

Submit a URL category change request on Palo Alto Networks Test A Site URL category checker.
  1. Log in
    to avoid completing a CAPTCHA test and entering your email on the change request form. Note that logging in is the only way to access the bulk change request form.
  2. Select a change request form to complete.
    • Change Request for a Single URL
      —Enter the
      you want to recategorize, and click
      . Underneath the URL category results, click
      Request Change
    • Bulk Change Request
      to Test A Site. Then, click submit a Bulk Change Request
  3. Complete the change request form.
    • Change Request for a Single URL
      —Suggest up to two new categories for the URL. Click
      Select category (from a list)
      , and select one category at a time. Optionally, leave a
      about your request. You can explain why your suggestion is appropriate, for example.
    • Bulk Change Request
      —Choose a
      File Format
      . Select Multiple Category if your change request includes two or more categories. For example, if you want to recategorize half of the URLs in your list to
      and the other half to
      Then, click
      Choose File
      , and select a CSV file to upload. The file should have one change request per line in this format:
      <URL>,<first suggested category>,<second suggested category>,<(optional) comment>
      . The file cannot exceed 1000 entries or be larger than 1MB. Optionally, leave a
      about your request.
  4. Submit
    the form.

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