Monitored Branch Sites
Autonomous DEM

Monitored Branch Sites

Table of Contents

Monitored Branch Sites

View the overall experience of the remote sites.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • Prisma Access license
  • Autonomous DEM license
Monitor the digital experience of for your remote sites and troubleshoot performance issues from this dashboard. The MonitorBranch SitesPrisma SD-WANList tab provides an experience score of all the remote sites in the Prisma Access Locations and shows the experience trend during the selected Time Range. You can also see detailed experience information for each remote site. This is often where you will want to start if you have remote sites reporting performance issues.
From here you get an overall view of the experience trends for all your ADEM remote sites. You can view
  • The overall experience score for all the remote sites. This helps to determine how all sites are working with a breakdown view of the remote sites that are performing good, fair, or poor
  • The experience score for each site
  • The connected Prisma Access location sites
  • Information on the Internet and private WAN circuits that the remote site is connected to
Select or define a custom Time Range to view the data for only the time window selected.
Filter (click
Add Filter) the data shown in the widgets in this dashboard.