Uninstall the GlobalProtect App for Linux

Uninstall the GlobalProtect App for Linux

Table of Contents

Uninstall the GlobalProtect App for Linux

You can uninstall the GlobalProtect app for Linux using the following command:
$ ./gp_uninstall.sh --help
Usage: $ sudo ./gp_uninstall [--cli-only | --arm | --help]
  --cli-only: CLI Only
  --arm:      ARM
  no options: UI
The following packages are not removed during the uninstall:
  • Qt Packages
  • resolvconf (Ubuntu only)
  • Gnome Shell Extension Packages
    • Ubuntu 20
      • gnome-tweak-tool
      • gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus
    • Ubuntu 22
      • gnome-shell-extension-manager
      • gnome-shell-extension-appindicator
    • RHEL 8
      • gnome-tweaks
      • gnome-shell-extension-topicons-plus
    • RHEL 9
      • gnome-shell-extension-top-icons
You can delete the Ubuntu packages using the $ sudo apt autoremove command and RHEL packages with the $ sudo yum autoremove command. When you use either of these commands, the Qt Packages are deleted as well.