: SD-WAN Monitoring

SD-WAN Monitoring

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SD-WAN Monitoring

Monitor path health of SD-WAN hubs and branches.
  • PanoramaSD-WANMonitoring
The Monitoring tab is a dashboard that displays summary widgets of all your SD-WAN firewall health metrics. This tool provides actionable intelligence about the activity on your SD-WAN network by enabling you to quickly identify applications or links experiencing performance issues. You can view path quality and link performance for all VPN clusters or—for a specific VPN cluster—within a specified period of time.
At a glance, you can view the total number of VPN clusters with branch or hub firewalls that are experiencing impacted application performance and those that are healthy. You can view the following application and link health states for VPN Clusters:
  • App Performance
    • Impacted—One or more applications in the VPN cluster for which none of the paths have jitter, latency, or packet loss performance that meet the specified thresholds in the Path Quality Profile in the list of paths from which the firewall can choose.
    • OK—Applications in the VPN cluster are healthy and experiencing no or below the specified thresholds for the jitter, latency, or packet loss performance in the Path Quality Profile.
  • Link Performance
    • Error—One or more sites in the VPN cluster have connectivity issues such as when a tunnel or a virtual interface (VIF) is down.
    • Warning—One or more sites in the VPN cluster have links with jitter, latency, or packet loss performance measurements that compare unfavorably to a moving seven day average value.
    • OK—Links in the VPN cluster are healthy and experiencing no or below the specified thresholds for the jitter, latency, or packet loss performance in the Path Quality Profile.
Click any widget to get an in-depth view of all VPN clusters for the desired health state. Additionally, you can use the Sites and time frame for filtering to view VPN clusters based on link notifications, latency deviations, jitter deviations, packet loss deviations, or impacted applications within a specified period of time.
App Performance
Name of the application specified by an SD-WAN policy rule.
SD-WAN Policies
Name of the SD-WAN policy rule(s) that matched the app traffic matched. Multiple SD-WAN policy rules may be listed if the app traffic matched multiple SD-WAN policies.
App Health
Indicates the app health based on available links to swap to. Can be Impacted, Warning, or OK.
Total byte count of transfered data for the application within the specified time frame.
Impacted Sessions/Total Sessions
Number of sessions impacted out of the total number of sessions within the specified time frame. If the application is impacted, this helps indicate how extensive the issue is.
Link Tags
Name of the link tag(s) identifying the physical link the app used during traffic distribution and failover.
Link Performance
Name of the SD-WAN firewall containing the interface that processed the link traffic.
Link Tag
Name of the link tag identifying the physical link the app used during traffic distribution.
Link Type
The physical link type.
Ethernet interface for the physical link.
Name of the link.
Link Notifications
When Impacted, click to view the error message description for the degraded health status.
Displays the latency health status of the tunnel. Can be Impacted, Warning, or OK.
Displays the jitter health status of the tunnel. Can be Impacted, Warning, or OK.
Packet Loss
Displays the packet loss health status of the tunnel. Can be Impacted, Warning, or OK.