: Assign System or Custom Role

Assign System or Custom Role

Table of Contents

Assign System or Custom Role

Learn to assign system or custom role to an existing user.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Active
    Prisma SD-WAN
Assign a system or custom role to an existing user from the
  1. Select
    Access Management
    User Access
    User Management
  2. Select from the available list of users to assign a role or add a new user.
  3. Choose a
    for the user.
    You may add one or more roles to the user.
  4. Make sure to toggle to
    Access Allowed
    to grant access to the user.
  5. Save
    to assign the role to the end user.
    A message confirms that the role is assigned to the user.

Add a Device User on
Prisma SD-WAN

Add tenant or device-level access to users and define user roles to use the
Prisma SD-WAN
Device Toolkit.
  1. Select
    Access Management
    Device Access
    Device Toolkit User Access
    Add Device Access
  2. Enter the
    Login ID
    , and
    Confirm Password
    on the
    Add Device Access User
  3. Choose the
    of the user—Super, Read Only, or Monitor.
    • Super user has read and write access to the device.
    • Read Only user can only read the device information.
    • Monitor user has restricted read access and can view only certain information.
  4. On the
    Tenant level
    , switch to
    to create tenant-level user and give the user access to all the devices.
    Select No to create device-level users and give access to specific devices to the user.
    You can create a maximum of 10 tenant-level toolkit users. You can create any number of device-level users, but only 40 device-level toolkit users can be assigned devices. It can be a combination of tenant or device-level users.
  5. Save
    to add the user.

Add Device Access to User on
Prisma SD-WAN

You can assign multiple devices to a user and configure each device with a different user role.
  1. Select
    Access Management
    Device Access
  2. Select the user to
    Add device access
    by selecting the Edit icon against the user name.
  3. On the
    Device Accessible by user
    , select
    Add Device Access
  4. On the available
    Available Devices
    , select the device and then select the
    for the user.
    There is no restriction on the number of devices that can be added to the device-level toolkit user.
  5. Save
    to add the device access to the user.

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