: Configure Application Reachability Probes

Configure Application Reachability Probes

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Configure Application Reachability Probes

Learn more about the
Prisma SD-WAN
application reachability probes. Application probes are initiated on detection of an unreachable prefix for an application.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Active
    Prisma SD-WAN
Configure application probes to check an application's reachability for a given path for an ION device. Application probes are initiated on detection of an unreachable prefix for an application. You may configure application reachability probes on any valid Layer 3 LAN interface.
Prisma SD-WAN
supports dynamic probing for TCP applications when 3-way handshake failures are detected. The ION device generates these dynamic probes to verify that a destination service is actually up or down on that path. If verified as down, the ION device avoids sending additional user requests for the service down the specific path while continuing to generate synthetic probes to detect any change in service reachability.
Starting with Release 6.3.2,
Prisma SD-WAN
supports probing for UDP DNS traffic. The application probes handle DNS probe requests and start a DNS probe on the destination on receiving a DNS probe request. If the DNS server responds to the request, irrespective of whether it responds with the requested domain name, the ION device treats the probe as successful. If the DNS server does not respond, the application probe notifies the flow controller to change the path.
When the probe detects that the DNS server is unreachable, the ION device continues probing once every minute for the first three probes and then once every 5 minutes. If the probe is successful again, the probe notifies the flow controller to use the path again.
You can view the health of the DNS traffic under
App Health
Application probe is enabled by default for all ION devices, except for ION 1000. The controller port generates the application probes if you do not configure any LAN ports for generating application probes.
For the ION 1000 device, you must configure a LAN port for the application probe. If not, the controller generates an alarm.
You can choose to exclude specific circuits and circuit categories from being used for checking the reachability of an application on a given path. Refer Configure Device Initiated Connections.
  1. Select
    Claimed Devices
    , select the device you want to configure.
  2. Select
    and a port for configuring application reachability probes.
  3. Select
    in the
    For Use this Port
    Once an interface is designated as the application probe interface,
    Use This Port For
    cannot be changed from
    Admin Up
    for the interface has to be
  4. Toggle
    Application Reachability Probe Source Interface
  5. Select
  6. Retain the default values for the other fields, and
    Save Port
  7. View and update the application reachability probe configuration from the
    Basic Info
    1. Toggle
      Application Reachability Probe Source Interface
    2. Select a port from the
      Source Interface
      The ports which have
      Use This Port For
      set to
      appear in the drop-down.
    3. Select
      Source Interface
      to use the controller port as the source interface for generating application probes.
      Ensure that you configure a source interface for ION device series 1200, 1200-S, 3200, 5200, and 9200, since these platforms do not have a dedicated controller port.

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