: Configure Device Access One-Time Password

Configure Device Access One-Time Password

Table of Contents

Configure Device Access One-Time Password

Learn how to configure device access OTP in
Prisma SD-WAN
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Active
    Prisma SD-WAN
Device Access One-Time Password provides the ability to regain access to the device toolkit in the event that all toolkit passwords are forgotten and the device has lost connection to the controller.
In order to access an offline device, the device must be:
  • In a claimed or assigned state.
  • Offline and unable to talk to the controller.
To access the offline device:
  1. At the console of the remote, offline device, log in with
    as the username and
    as the password.
    Once logged in, the console menu will present command options.
  2. Select the
    This verifies that the device is offline.
  3. Once the device is offline and has a Claim certificate installed, select
    Device offline Access
    This generates the
    Challenge phrase
  4. Note down the
    Challenge phrase
  5. Log in to the
    Prisma SD-WAN
    web interface as a
    user and select
  6. Select a device, click the ellipsis menu, and select
    Generate one-time password
  7. Enter the
    Challenge Phrase
    provided earlier by the device console, and click
    If successful, a one-time password response will be generated.
  8. Enter this one-time password on the device console for access to the Device Toolkit.
    Note the following:
    • Challenge requests and incorrect entries in both forms will be logged.
    • The Challenge Phrase and subsequent response is only valid for the configured number of attempts.
    • Exiting from the Challenge prompt or logging out will automatically invalidate the Challenge string.
    • You can modify the maximum number of one-time password attempts and expiration timeframes from
      Access Management
      Device Access
      Device Offline Access Policy
      on the
      Prisma SD-WAN
      web interface.

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