: Create an IoT Discovery Profile in Prisma SD-WAN

Create an IoT Discovery Profile in Prisma SD-WAN

Table of Contents

Create an IoT Discovery Profile in
Prisma SD-WAN

Learn how to create an IoT discovery profile in
Prisma SD-WAN
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • IoT Security
  • Prisma Access
    Remote Networks license
Create an IoT discovery profile that will have global configurations and can be associated with sites. Since most of the configuration would be common across sites, the IoT discovery profile can be used for multiple sites.
  1. Select
    Configuration Profiles
    IoT Discovery
  2. Click
    Add Profile
  3. Add configuration details for the profile.
    1. Add a
      Profile Name
    2. (Optional)
      Enter a
    3. Enable
      Automated SNMP Discovery
      to enable SNMP discovery for all sites having this profile.
      Automated SNMP Discovery
      is enabled by default. You can turn this off to disable SNMP discovery for this profile.
    4. (Optional)
      Use local neighbors
      to enable local SNMP discovery.
      This option is available only for branch ION devices.
    5. Choose an interval for
      Network Discovery Schedule
      6, 12, or 24 hours.
      This site- level configuration specifies the frequency for a branch ION device to determine the list of networking devices (either with a starting/seed address or based on the LLDP/CDP neighbors). This configuration specifies the frequency with which the ION device can run the SNMP MIB query to discover the LLDP neighbors in the network. The default value is 24 hours.
    6. Enter a time interval for the
      Device Discovery Schedule
      The time entered for the
      Device Discovery Schedule
      should be less than or equal to the time entered for the
      Network Discovery Schedule
    7. Set discovery credentials for an
      SNMP Version
      Prisma SD-WAN
      supports SNMP versions v2 and v3.
      • For SNMPv2, enter an
        SNMP Community String
        The default value is
      • For SNMPv3, select a
        Security Level
        • Noauth
          —Enter a
        • Auth
          —Enter a
          Authentication Protocol (None, MD5, or SHA128 (default))
          , and an
          Authentication Password
        • Private
          —Enter a
          Authentication Protocol (None, MD5, or SHA)
          Privacy Protocol (None, AES, DES)
          , and an
          Authentication Password
    8. Click

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