Add a Security Policy Set to a Security Stack

Add a Security Policy Set to a Security Stack

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Add a Security Policy Set to a Security Stack

Learn how to add a security policy set to a security stack.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Active Prisma SD-WAN license
After creating security policy sets, you need to add these policy sets to a security stack. Note that you can add security policy sets to Security stacks only via the Advanced view on the Security screen.
  1. Select ManagePoliciesSecurity Security StacksAdvanced.
  2. Select a security stack for adding a security policy set.
  3. Select a policy set from the Policy Set list, and then Save.
    You can assign up to 4 policy sets to an advanced security stack.
    You can convert a simple security stack to an advanced security stack by assigning more than one policy set to the simple security stack.