Prisma SD-WAN
Assign a Static IP Address Using the Console
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Prisma SD-WAN Docs
- Prisma SD-WAN Key Elements
- Prisma SD-WAN Releases and Upgrades
- Use Copilot in Prisma SD-WAN
- Prisma SD-WAN Summary
- Prisma SD-WAN Application Insights
- Device Activity Charts
- Site Summary Dashboard
- Prisma SD-WAN Predictive Analytics Dashboard
- Prisma SD-WAN Link Quality Dashboard
- Prisma SD-WAN Subscription Usage
- Add a Branch
- Add a Data Center
- Add a Branch Gateway
- Secure Group Tags (SGT) Propagation
- Configure Circuits
- Configure Internet Circuit Underlay Link Aggregation
- Configure Private WAN Underlay Link Quality Aggregation
- Configure Circuit Categories
- Configure Device Initiated Connections for Circuits
- Add Public IP LAN Address to Enterprise Prefixes
- Manage Data Center Clusters
- Configure Secure SD-WAN Fabric Tunnels between Data Centers
- Configure a Site Prefix
- Configure Ciphers
- Configure a DHCP Server
- Configure NTP for Prisma SD-WAN
- Configure the ION Device at a Branch Site
- Configure the ION Device at a Data Center
- Switch a Site to Control Mode
- Allow IP Addresses in Firewall Configuration
- Configure a Controller Port
- Configure Internet Ports
- Configure WAN/LAN Ports
- Configure a Sub-Interface
- Configure a Loopback Interface
- Add and Configure Port Channel Interface
- Configure a PoE Port
- Configure and Monitor LLDP Activity and Status
- Configure a PPPoE Interface
- Configure a Layer 3 LAN Interface
- Configure Application Reachability Probes
- Configure a Secondary IP Address
- Configure a Static ARP
- Configure a DHCP Relay
- Configure IP Directed Broadcast
- VPN Keep-Alives
- Configure Prisma SD-WAN IPFIX
- Configure IPFIX Profiles and Templates
- Configure and Attach a Collector Context to a Device Interface in IPFIX
- Configure and Attach a Filter Context to a Device Interface in IPFIX
- Configure Global and Local IPFIX Prefixes
- Flow Information Elements
- Options Information Elements
- Configure the DNS Service on the Prisma SD-WAN Interface
- Configure SNMP
- Prisma SD-WAN Branch Routing
- Prisma SD-WAN Data Center Routing
- Configure an OSPF in Prisma SD-WAN
- Enable BGP for Private WAN and LAN
- Configure BGP Global Parameters
- Global or Local Scope for BGP Peers
- Configure a Route Map
- Configure a Prefix List
- Configure an AS Path List
- Configure an IP Community List
- View Routing Status and Statistics
- Distribution to Fabric
- Host Tracking
- Configure Multicast
- Create, Assign, and Configure a WAN Multicast Configuration Profile
- Configure Global Multicast Parameters
- Configure a Multicast Static Rendezvous Point (RP)
- Learn Rendezvous Points (RPs) Dynamically
- View LAN Statistics for Multicast
- View WAN Statistics for Multicast
- View IGMP Membership
- View the Multicast Route Table
- View Multicast Flow Statistics
- View Routing Statistics
- Prisma SD-WAN Branch HA Key Concepts
- Configure Branch HA with Gen-1 Platforms (2000, 3000, 7000, and 9000)
- Configure Branch HA with Gen-2 Platforms (3200, 5200, and 9200)
- Configure Branch HA with Gen-2 Embedded Switch Platforms (1200-S or 3200-L2)
- Configure Branch HA for Devices with Software Cellular Bypass (1200-S-C-5G)
- Configure Branch HA for Platforms without Bypass Pairs
- Configure Branch HA in a Hybrid Topology with Gen-1 (3000) and Gen-2 (3200) Platforms
- Configure HA Groups
- Add ION Devices to HA Groups
- Edit HA Groups and Group Membership
- Prisma SD-WAN Clarity Reports
CloudBlade Integrations
- CloudBlade Integrations
- CloudBlades Integration with Prisma Access
- clear app-engine
- clear app-map dynamic
- clear app-probe prefix
- clear connection
- clear device account-login
- clear dhcplease
- clear dhcprelay stat
- clear flow and clear flows
- clear flow-arp
- clear qos-bwc queue-snapshot
- clear routing
- clear routing multicast statistics
- clear routing ospf
- clear routing peer-ip
- clear switch mac-address-entries
- clear user-id agent statistics
- arping interface
- curl
- ping
- ping6
- debug bounce interface
- debug bw-test src-interface
- debug cellular stats
- debug controller reachability
- debug flow
- debug ipfix
- debug log agent eal file log
- debug logging facility
- debug logs dump
- debug logs follow
- debug logs tail
- debug performance-policy
- debug poe interface
- debug process
- debug reboot
- debug routing multicast log
- debug routing multicast pimd
- debug servicelink logging
- debug tcpproxy
- debug time sync
- dig dns
- dig6
- file export
- file remove
- file space available
- file tailf log
- file view log
- ssh6 interface
- ssh interface
- tcpdump
- tcpping
- traceroute
- traceroute6
- dump appdef config
- dump appdef version
- dump app-engine
- dump app-l4-prefix table
- dump app-probe config
- dump app-probe flow
- dump app-probe prefix
- dump app-probe status
- dump auth config
- dump auth status
- dump banner config
- dump bfd status
- dump bypass-pair config
- dump cellular config
- dump cellular stats
- dump cellular status
- dump cgnxinfra status
- dump cgnxinfra status live
- dump cgnxinfra status store
- dump config network
- dump config security
- dump controller cipher
- dump controller status
- dump device accessconfig
- dump device conntrack count
- dump device date
- dump device info
- dump device status
- dump dhcp-relay config
- dump dhcprelay stat
- dump dhcp-server config
- dump dhcp-server status
- dump dhcpstat
- dump dnsservice config all
- dump dpdk cpu
- dump dpdk interface
- dump dpdk port status
- dump dpdk stats
- dump flow
- dump flow count-summary
- dump interface config
- dump interface status
- dump interface status interface details
- dump interface status interface module
- dump intra cluster tunnel
- dump ipfix config collector-contexts
- dump ipfix config derived-exporters
- dump ipfix config filter-contexts
- dump ipfix config ipfix-overrides
- dump ipfix config prefix-filters
- dump ipfix config profiles
- dump ipfix config templates
- dump lldp
- dump lldp config
- dump lldp info
- dump lldp stats
- dump lldp status
- dump log-agent eal conn
- dump log-agent eal response-time
- dump log-agent eal stats
- dump log-agent config
- dump log-agent iot snmp config
- dump log-agent iot snmp device discovery stats
- dump log-agent ip mac bindings
- dump log-agent neighbor discovery stats
- dump log-agent status
- dump ml7 mctd counters
- dump ml7 mctd session
- dump ml7 mctd version
- dump nat counters
- dump nat6 counters
- dump nat summary
- dump network-policy config policy-rules
- dump network-policy config policy-sets
- dump network-policy config policy-stacks
- dump network-policy config prefix-filters
- dump overview
- dump performance-policy config policy-rules
- dump performance-policy config policy-sets
- dump performance-policy config policy-set-stacks
- dump performance-policy config threshold-profile
- dump poe system config
- dump poe system status
- dump priority-policy config policy-rules
- dump priority-policy config policy-sets
- dump priority-policy config policy-stacks
- dump priority-policy config prefix-filters
- dump probe config
- dump probe profile
- dump radius config
- dump radius statistics
- dump radius status
- dump reachability-probe config
- dump qos-bwc config
- dump reachability-probe status
- dump routing aspath-list
- dump routing cache
- dump routing communitylist
- dump routing multicast config
- dump routing multicast igmp
- dump routing multicast interface
- dump routing multicast internal vif-entries
- dump routing multicast mroute
- dump routing multicast pim
- dump routing multicast sources
- dump routing multicast statistics
- dump routing multicast status
- dump routing ospf
- dump routing peer advertised routes
- dump routing peer config
- dump routing peer neighbor
- dump routing peer received-routes
- dump routing peer routes
- dump routing peer route-via
- dump routing peer status
- dump routing peer route-json
- dump routing prefixlist
- dump routing prefix-reachability
- dump routing route
- dump routing routemap
- dump routing running-config
- dump routing summary
- dump routing static-route reachability-status
- dump routing static-route config
- dump routing vpn host tracker
- dump security-policy config policy-rules
- dump security-policy config policy-set
- dump security-policy config policy-set-stack
- dump security-policy config prefix-filters
- dump security-policy config zones
- dump sensor type
- dump sensor type summary
- dump serviceendpoints
- dump servicelink summary
- dump servicelink stats
- dump servicelink status
- dump site config
- dump snmpagent config
- dump snmpagent status
- dump software status
- dump spoke-ha config
- dump spoke-ha status
- dump standingalarms
- dump static-arp config
- dump static host config
- dump static routes
- dump support details
- dump-support
- dump switch fdb vlan-id
- dump switch port status
- dump switch vlan-db
- dump syslog config
- dump syslog-rtr stats
- dump syslog status
- dump time config
- dump time log
- dump time status
- dump troubleshoot message
- dump user-id agent config
- dump user-id agent statistics
- dump user-id agent status
- dump user-id agent summary
- dump user-id groupidx
- dump user-id group-mapping
- dump user-id ip-user-mapping
- dump user-id statistics
- dump user-id status
- dump user-id summary
- dump user-id useridx
- dump vlan member
- dump vpn count
- dump vpn ka all
- dump vpn ka summary
- dump vpn ka VpnID
- dump vpn status
- dump vpn summary
- dump vrf
- dump waninterface config
- dump waninterface summary
- inspect app-flow-table
- inspect app-l4-prefix lookup
- inspect app-map
- inspect certificate
- inspect certificate device
- inspect cgnxinfra role
- inspect connection
- inspect dhcplease
- inspect dhcp6lease
- inspect dpdk ip-rules
- inspect dpdk vrf
- inspect fib
- inspect fib-leak
- inspect flow-arp
- inspect flow brief
- inspect flow-detail
- inspect flow internal
- inspect interface stats
- inspect ipfix exporter-stats
- inspect ipfix collector-stats
- inspect ipfix app-table
- inspect ipfix wan-path-info
- inspect ipfix interface-info
- inspect ip-rules
- inspect ipv6-rules
- inspect lqm stats
- inspect memory summary
- inspect network-policy conflicts
- inspect network-policy dropped
- inspect network-policy hits policy-rules
- inspect network-policy lookup
- inspect performance-policy fec status
- inspect policy-manager status
- inspect policy-mix lookup-flow
- inspect priority-policy conflicts
- inspect priority-policy dropped
- inspect priority-policy hits default-rule-dscp
- inspect priority-policy hits policy-rules
- inspect priority-policy lookup
- inspect performance-policy incidents
- inspect performance-policy lookup
- inspect performance-policy hits analytics
- inspect process status
- inspect qos-bwc debug-state
- inspect qos-bwc queue-history
- inspect qos-bwc queue-snapshot
- inspect routing multicast fc site-iface
- inspect routing multicast interface
- inspect routing multicast mroute
- inspect security-policy lookup
- inspect security-policy size
- inspect switch mac-address-table
- inspect system arp
- inspect system ipv6-neighbor
- inspect system vrf
- inspect vrf
- inspect wanpaths
- 5.6
- 6.1
- 6.2
- 6.3
- 6.4
- 6.5
- New Features Guide
- On-Premises Controller
- Prisma SD-WAN CloudBlades
- Prisma Access CloudBlade Cloud Managed
- Prisma Access CloudBlade Panorama Managed
- Features Introduced in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 5.6
- Changes to Default Behavior in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 5.6
- Upgrade ION 9000 Firmware for Device Version 5.6.x
- CLI Commands in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 5.6
- Addressed Issues in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 5.6
- Known Issues in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 5.6
Assign a Static IP Address Using the Console
Access the Prisma SD-WAN ION CLI commands through Console.
Access the Prisma SD-WAN ION device command-line
interface (CLI) using the console and assign a static IP address
to an unclaimed ION device controller or internet port.
Command-line interface (CLI) using the console and assigning a static
IP address is only required to establish initial communication with the controller.
Once a device is claimed, the controller will overwrite any further configuration
changes done locally on the ION via the console or device toolkit. This is supported
on all the Prisma SD-WAN ION Devices.
- Connect an RJ-45 to USB cable to the AUX port on the Prisma SD-WAN ION device.
- Connect the other end of the RJ-45 to USB cable to your computer and launch a terminal emulator.
- Set the terminal or baud rate to 115200/8/n/1 on the terminal window.The Login menu displays the login prompt with the ION device serial number.<ION-device-serial-number> login:
- Use the default user details username elem-admin/hackle628)bags for unclaimed devices.CloudGenix 5.1.0-b23 30-001189-8149 login: elem-admin Password: Last login: Tue Nov 20 22:09:02 UTC 2018 on ttyS0
- Configure the controller port or one of the internet ports with the appropriate IP address, gateway address, and DNS server.
- Assign a static IP address to the ION devices with controller ports using the config interface command.# config interface controller1 ip static address= gw= dns=
- Verify your configuration using the dump interface config command.# dump interface config controller1 Interface : controller 1 Description: ID : 15403462741430053 Type : port Admin State : up Alarms : enabled MTU:1500 IP : static Address : Route : via metric 1 DNS Server : # dump interface status controller1 Interface: controller 1 Device : eth0 ID : 15403462741430053 MAC Address : ec:b9:07:00:12:3c State: up Last Change : 2018-11-20 21:55:40.785009014 +0000 UTC Duplex: full Speed : 1000Mbps Address : Route : via metric 0 DNS Server :
- Use the config interface command to assign a static IP address to the internet port, this step is required for ION devices without controller ports.# config interface 1 ip static address= gw= dns=
- Verify your configuration using the dump interface config command.
- Verify the connection to the controller using the dump controller status command.# dump controller status Controller Connection : Partially Connected Number of Active Connections : 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Go to the Prisma SD-WAN web interface to claim your recently configured ION device and assign it to a site.After you change the device to the claimed state, change the default password to match your configured password (System Administration > Device Toolkit User Management).