Redistribute Device Quarantine Information from Panorama

Redistribute Device Quarantine Information from Panorama

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Redistribute Device Quarantine Information from Panorama

If you use Panorama to manage your firewalls, you can distribute quarantine information by enabling User-ID and creating a data redistribution agent.
If you manage your next-generation firewalls using a Panorama appliance, you can create a quarantine list for all firewalls in PanoramaDevice Quarantine and distribute that information to your managed firewalls. You redistribute device quarantine information the same way as you redistribute User-ID information. Complete the following steps to redistribute quarantine information from Panorama.
  1. Enable User-ID on the agent server if you have not done so already.
    • If the redistribution agent server uses the management interface, select DeviceSetupInterfacesManagement and select User-ID.
    • If the redistribution agent uses an interface on the dataplane (for example, an Ethernet or VLAN interface), select NetworkInterface Mgmt, select an existing management profile or Add a new one, and select User-ID.
  2. To create a data redistribution agent, select PanoramaData Redistribution and Add the agent.
    The following example shows a data redistribution agent where Panorama distributes the Quarantine List information to the firewall with an IP address of using port 5007.