View the status LEDs on the PA-400R Series firewall in order to monitor the network
connection, temperature, and other device statuses.
The following table describes how to interpret the status LEDs on all of the PA-400R
Series firewalls.
Front Panel LEDs
Green—The firewall is powered on.
Off—The firewall is not powered on or an error has occurred with
the internal power system (for example, power is not within
tolerance levels).
Green—The firewall is operating normally.
Yellow—The firewall is booting.
Red—A hardware component failed, such as a power supply failure,
a firewall failure that caused an HA failover, a drive failure,
or hardware is overheating and the temperature is above the high
temperature threshold.
Off—The firewall is operating normally.
(High Availability)
Green—The firewall is the active peer
in an active/passive configuration.
Yellow—The firewall is the passive peer in an active/passive configuration.
Off—High availability (HA) is not operational on this firewall.
an active/active configuration, the HA LED only indicates HA status
for the local firewall and has two possible states (green or off);
it does not indicate HA connectivity of the peer. Green indicates that
the firewall is either active-primary or active-secondary and off
indicates that the firewall is in any other state (for example,
non-functional or suspended).
(PA-410R-5G and PA-450R-5G
Green—The firewall has an active signal.
Red—The firewall does not have a signal or the antenna is not
Off—The modem is disabled.
(PA-450R and PA-450R-5G)
Ethernet port LEDs
Left LED—Solid green indicates a network
Right LED—Blinking green indicates network activity.
If you configure the link state to
down on a port, the LEDs on some
activse ports will not work. Similarly, if the passive link
state is set to shutdown, the HA link
LEDs on the passive device in the HA pair will not work. To
ensure your LEDs display correctly, avoid configuring link
states to down or using the
shutdown passive link state unless
needed for security reasons.