: Get Device Details per Device ID

Get Device Details per Device ID

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Get Device Details per Device ID

Use the IoT Security API to get device details for a specific device using its device ID.




Get a list of device details for the device with the specified device ID. The device ID is typically a MAC address, but an IP address is used for devices configured as static IP devices.

Request Fields

The URL of this request contains the following parameters:
(Required) The customer ID specifies the API call for a specific tenant.
The following value is a string.
(Required) The device ID specifies the MAC address of the device for which you want to get details. It’s an IP address when the device is configured as a static IP device.
The following value is a string.
For additional common parameters you can use with this request, check Get Started with the IoT Security API.
Request Example
curl --location -X GET 'https://acmecorp.iot.paloaltonetworks.com/pub/v4.0/device?customerid=acmecorp&deviceid=34:02:86:44:65:36' \ -H 'X-Key-Id: KEY_ID' \ -H 'X-Access-Key: ACCESS_KEY'
The --location option is necessary because some API requests elicit a 3xx response code, indicating that redirection to another destination is required to fetch the requested data, and the --location option enables curl to redo the request to the new destination.

Success Response

Upon success, the HTTP response code is 200. In addition, this API returns a JSON object containing an array of JSON objects, each of which represents a single device attribute.
deviceidThe device ID, which IoT Security uses to identify and track the device (string)
hostnameThe device hostname (string)
categoryThe category to which the device belongs (string)
profileThe device profile assigned to the device (string)
profile_typeThe type of device profile, such as IoT or Non_IoT (string)
profile_verticalThe industry vertical for the profile such as Medical, IT Devices, and Office (string)
ip_addressThe IP address of the device (string)
mac_addressThe MAC address of the device (string)
tagIdListA list of IDs for user- and system-defined tags assigned to the device
risk_scoreThe risk score of the device (integer)
risk_levelThe risk level of the device; there are four: low, medium, high, and critical (string)
last_activityA UTC timestamp for the last detected device activity (object)
confidence_scoreThe confidence score for device classification (integer)
subnetThe subnet to which the device is attached (string)
number_of_critical_alertsThe number of critical alerts for the device (integer)
number_of_warning_alertsThe number of warning alerts for the device (integer)
number_of_caution_alertsThe number of caution alerts for the device (integer)
number_of_info_alertsThe number of info alerts for the device (integer)
allTagsAn array of user-defined tags assigned to the device. Each item in the array consists of three attributes: tagType, tagValue, and tagId.
tagTypeThe key for a user-defined tag
tagValueThe value of the tag key for a user-defined tag
tagIdThe ID of a user-defined tag
Success Response Example
{ "deviceid": "34:02:86:44:65:36", "hostname": "InfusionPump-20", "category": "Infusion System", "profile": "Sigma Spectrum Infusion System", "profile_type": "IoT", "profile_vertical": "Medical", "ip_address": "", "mac_address": "34:02:86:44:65:36", "tagIdList": [ "6030135777a1d6fb488e26ad", "60301332ff1679e9481b62a6", "602ca12179bc780a2333895d", ], "risk_score": 0, "risk_level": "low", "last_activity": "2018-05-31T18:39:37.404Z", "confidence_score": 90, "subnet": "", "number_of_critical_alerts": 0, "number_of_warning_alerts": 0, "number_of_caution_alerts": 0, "number_of_info_alerts": 0, "allTags": [ { "tagType": "infusion", "tagValue": "pump1", "tagId": "6030135777a1d6fb488e26ad", }, { "tagType": "infusion", "tagValue": "pump2", "tagId": "60301332ff1679e9481b62a6", }, { "tagType": "infusion", "tagValue": "pump3", "tagId": "60f221a219e22f10003a965e", }, ], ... }

Error Response

Upon error, the reply includes an HTTP response code, an error message, and additional information describing the error. The HTTP response code is one of the following:
400Bad Request. This occurs when an HTTP request contains an invalid query string.
403Forbidden access. Either the provided API Key is invalid or it does not have the required RBAC permissions to run this API.
429Too many requests. The number of requests for device details for a single device exceeded the rate limit of 180 queries per minute per tenant.
500Internal server error. A unified status for API communication type errors.
Error Response Format