: QoS Interface Statistics

QoS Interface Statistics

Table of Contents

QoS Interface Statistics

  • Network > QoS > Statistics
For a QoS interface, select Statistics to view bandwidth, session, and application information for configured QoS interfaces.
QoS Statistics
Shows the real time bandwidth charts for the selected node and classes. This information is updated every two seconds.
The QoS Egress Max and Egress Guaranteed limitations configured for the QoS classes might be shown with a slightly different value in the QoS statistics screen. This is normal behavior and is due to how the hardware engine summarizes bandwidth limits and counters. There is no operation concern as the bandwidth utilization graphs display the real-time values and quantities.
Lists all active applications for the selected QoS node and/or class.
Source Users
Lists all the active source users for the selected QoS node and/or class.
Destination Users
Lists all the active destination users for the selected QoS node and/or class.
Security Rules
Lists the security rules matched to and enforcing the selected QoS node and/or class.
QoS Rules
Lists the QoS rules matched to and enforcing the selected QoS node and/or class.