ECMP Load-Balancing Algorithms

ECMP Load-Balancing Algorithms

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ECMP Load-Balancing Algorithms

Let’s suppose the Routing Information Base (RIB) of the firewall has multiple equal-cost paths to a single destination. The maximum number of equal-cost paths defaults to 2. ECMP chooses the best two equal-cost paths from the RIB to copy to the Forwarding Information Base (FIB). ECMP then determines, based on the load-balancing method, which of the two paths in the FIB that the firewall will use for the destination during this session.
ECMP load balancing is done at the session level, not at the packet level—the start of a new session is when the firewall (ECMP) chooses an equal-cost path. The equal-cost paths to a single destination are considered ECMP path members or ECMP group members. ECMP determines which one of the multiple paths to a destination in the FIB to use for an ECMP flow, based on which load-balancing algorithm you set. A virtual router can use only one load-balancing algorithm.
Enabling, disabling, or changing ECMP on an existing virtual router causes the system to restart the virtual router, which might cause existing sessions to be terminated.
The four algorithm choices emphasize different priorities, as follows:
  • Hash-based algorithms prioritize session stickiness—The IP Modulo and IP Hash algorithms use hashes based on information in the packet header, such as source and destination address. Because the header of each flow in a given session contains the same source and destination information, these options prioritize session stickiness. If you choose the IP Hash algorithm, the hash can be based on the source and destination addresses, or the hash can be based on the source address only. Using an IP hash based on only the source address causes all sessions belonging to the same source IP address to always take the same path from available multiple paths. Thus the path is considered sticky and is easier to troubleshoot if necessary. You can optionally set a Hash Seed value to further randomize load balancing if you have a large number of sessions to the same destination and they’re not being distributed evenly over the ECMP links.
  • Balanced algorithm prioritizes load balancing—The Balanced Round Robin algorithm distributes incoming sessions equally across the links, favoring load balancing over session stickiness. (Round robin indicates a sequence in which the least recently chosen item is chosen.) In addition, if new routes are added or removed from an ECMP group (for example if a path in the group goes down), the virtual router will re-balance the sessions across links in the group. Additionally, if the flows in a session have to switch routes due to an outage, when the original route associated with the session becomes available again, the flows in the session will revert to the original route when the virtual router once again re-balances the load.
  • Weighted algorithm prioritizes link capacity and/or speed—As an extension to the ECMP protocol standard, the Palo Alto Networks® implementation provides for a Weighted Round Robin load-balancing option that takes into account differing link capacities and speeds on the egress interfaces of the firewall. With this option, you can assign ECMP Weights (range is 1 to 255; default is 100) to the interfaces based on link performance using factors such as link capacity, speed, and latency to ensure that loads are balanced to fully leverage the available links.
    For example, suppose the firewall has redundant links to an ISP: ethernet1/1 (100 Mbps) and ethernet1/8 (200 Mbps). Although these are equal-cost paths, the link via ethernet1/8 provides greater bandwidth and therefore can handle a greater load than the ethernet1/1 link. Therefore, to ensure that the load-balancing functionality takes into account link capacity and speed, you might assign ethernet1/8 a weight of 200 and ethernet1/1 a weight of 100. The 2:1 weight ratio causes the virtual router to send twice as many sessions to ethernet1/8 as it sends to ethernet1/1. However, because the ECMP protocol is inherently session-based, when using the Weighted Round Robin algorithm, the firewall will be able to load balance across the ECMP links only on a best-effort basis.
    Keep in mind that ECMP weights are assigned to interfaces to determine load balancing (to influence which equal-cost path is chosen), not for route selection (a route choice from routes that could have different costs).
    Assign lower-speed or lower-capacity links with a lower weight. Assign higher-speed or higher-capacity links with a higher weight. In this manner, the firewall can distribute sessions based on these ratios, rather than overdrive a low-capacity link that is one of the equal-cost paths.