Create an NPTv6 Policy

Create an NPTv6 Policy

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Create an NPTv6 Policy

Perform this task when you want to configure a NAT NPTv6 policy to translate one IPv6 prefix to another IPv6 prefix. The prerequisites for this task are:
  • Enable IPv6. Select DeviceSetupSession. Click Edit and select IPv6 Firewalling.
  • Configure a Layer 3 Ethernet interface with a valid IPv6 address and with IPv6 enabled. Select NetworkInterfacesEthernet, select an interface, and on the IPv6 tab, select Enable IPv6 on the interface.
  • Create network security policies, because NPTv6 does not provide security.
  • Decide whether you want source translation, destination translation, or both.
  • Identify the zones to which you want to apply the NPTv6 policy.
  • Identify your original and translated IPv6 prefixes.
  1. Create a new NPTv6 policy.
    1. Select PoliciesNAT and click Add.
    2. On the General tab, enter a descriptive Name for the NPTv6 policy rule.
    3. (Optional) Enter a Description and Tag.
    4. For NAT Type, select NPTv6.
  2. Specify the match criteria for incoming packets; packets that match all of the criteria are subject to the NPTv6 translation.
    Zones are required for both types of translation.
    1. On the Original Packet tab, for Source Zone, leave Any or Add the source zone to which the policy applies.
    2. Enter the Destination Zone to which the policy applies.
    3. (Optional) Select a Destination Interface.
    4. (Optional) Select a Service to restrict what type of packets are translated.
    5. If you are doing source translation, enter a Source Address or select Any. The address could be an address object. The following constraints apply to Source Address and Destination Address:
      • Prefixes of Source Address and Destination Address for the Original Packet and Translated Packet must be in the format xxxx:xxxx::/yy, although leading zeros in the prefix can be dropped.
      • The IPv6 address cannot have an interface identifier (host) portion defined.
      • The range of supported prefix lengths is /32 to /112.
      • The Source Address and Destination Address cannot both be set to Any.
    6. If you are doing source translation, you can optionally enter a Destination Address. If you are doing destination translation, the Destination Address is required. The destination address (an address object is allowed) must be a netmask, not just an IPv6 address and not a range. The prefix length must be a value from /32 to /112, inclusive. For example, 2001:db8::/32.
  3. Specify the translated packet.
    1. On the Translated Packet tab, if you want to do source translation, in the Source Address Translation section, for Translation Type, select Static IP. If you do not want to do source translation, select None.
    2. If you chose Static IP, the Translated Address field appears. Enter the translated IPv6 prefix or address object. See the constraints listed in the prior step.
      It is a best practice to configure your Translated Address to be the prefix of the untrust interface address of your firewall. For example, if your untrust interface has the address 2001:1a:1b:1::99/64, make your Translated Address 2001:1a:1b:1::0/64.
    3. (Optional) Select Bi-directional if you want the firewall to create a corresponding NPTv6 translation in the opposite direction of the translation you configure.
      If you enable Bi-directional translation, it is very important to make sure you have Security policy rules in place to control the traffic in both directions. Without such policy rules, Bi-directional translation allows packets to be automatically translated in both directions, which you might not want.
    4. If you want to do destination translation, select Destination Address Translation. In the Translated Address field, choose an address object or enter your internal destination address.
    5. Click OK.
  4. Configure NDP Proxy.
    When you configure the firewall to act as an NDP Proxy for addresses, it allows the firewall to send Neighbor Discovery (ND) advertisements and respond to ND solicitations from peers that are asking for MAC addresses of IPv6 prefixes assigned to devices behind the firewall.
    1. Select NetworkInterfacesEthernet and select an interface.
    2. On the AdvancedNDP Proxy tab, select Enable NDP Proxy and click Add.
    3. Enter the IP Address(es) for which NDP Proxy is enabled. It can be an address, a range of addresses, or a prefix and prefix length. The order of IP addresses does not matter. These addresses are ideally the same as the Translated Addresses that you configured in an NPTv6 policy.
      If the address is a subnet, the NDP Proxy will respond to all addresses in the subnet, so you should list the neighbors in that subnet with Negate selected, as described in the next step.
    4. (Optional) Enter one or more addresses for which you do not want NDP Proxy enabled, and select Negate. For example, from an IP address range or prefix range configured in the prior step, you could negate a smaller subset of addresses. It is recommended that you negate the addresses of the neighbors of the firewall.
  5. Commit the configuration.
    Click OK and Commit.