Authentication Portal Support for IPv6 Redirect Host
PAN-OS 10.2.9
If your Authentication Portal
deployment uses redirect mode and Security Assertion Markup Language
( SAML) or Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol ( LDAP) with multi-factor
authentication ( MFA), you can now use an
IPV6 address for the domain name system (DNS) address (AAAA) record,
as well as an IPv4 address.
This allows you to map an IPv6 address on the Layer 3 interface to
the redirect host in addition to an IPv4 address (for example, to
provide redundancy). By entering a CLI command, you can configure
the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the redirect host as an
IPv6 address. When the firewall starts an Authentication Portal
session, it detects whether the FQDN of the host uses IPv4 or IPv6
when it creates the mapping for the user. With this capability, even
if the user changes the traffic type from IPv4 to IPv6 during the
same session, the firewall can still map the user correctly,
ensuring that your user-based security policy is applied
consistently throughout your network and across enforcement
You can also use the CLI commands to view or remove the currently
configured FQDN of the redirect host. To ensure that the
Authentication Portal configuration is successful, make sure to add
the required IPv6 address as a DNS attribute in the Subject
Alternative Name (SAN) field for the certificate that you configure
for your Authentication Portal deployment. This capability allows
you to use different internet protocol versions, supporting even
more options for your Authentication Portal deployment.