: Username and Password Requirements

Username and Password Requirements

Table of Contents

Username and Password Requirements

The following table lists the valid characters that can be used in usernames and passwords for PAN-OS and Panorama accounts.
Account Type
Username and Password Restrictions
Password Character Set
There are no restrictions on any password field character sets.
Remote Admin, SSL-VPN, or Authentication Portal
The following characters are not allowed for the username:
  • Backtick (`)
  • Angular brackets (< and >)
  • Ampersand (&)
  • Asterisk (*)
  • At sign (@)
  • Question mark (?)
  • Pipe (|)
  • Single-Quote (‘)
  • Semicolon (;)
  • Double-Quote (")
  • Dollar ($)
  • Parentheses ( '(' and ')' )
  • Colon (':')
Local Administrator Accounts
The following are the allowed characters for local usernames:
  • Lowercase (a-z)
  • Uppercase (A-Z)
  • Numeric (0-9)
  • Underscore (_)
  • Period (.)
  • Hyphen (-)
Login names cannot start with a hyphen (-).
Administrator usernames cannot consist of numbers only. They must include at least one alphabetical character or one legal symbol character. For example, 1234_567, 1234a789_, and c7897432 are valid usernames. 12345678 is not a valid username.
Local Administrator Passwords
Commonly used words and phrases are not allowed as passwords, regardless of any combination of upper and lower case letters.
Examples of commonly used words and phrases include Admin, password, PASSWORD, letmein, pa55word, QwErTy, and q1w2e3r4.