Verify Private Key Blocking

Verify Private Key Blocking

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Verify Private Key Blocking

Confirm that private keys are blocked and cannot be exported.
You can verify whether a private key is blocked from export in several ways.
  • Check the Key column in DeviceCertificate ManagementCertificatesDevice Certificates.
    In this example, the forward-trust-certificate is blocked:
  • When you attempt to export a certificate whose private key is blocked from export, the Export Private Key checkbox is not available and you can’t export the key, you can only export the certificate.
  • Use the following operational CLI command to list all certificates on the device or in a particular Vsys that have private keys blocked from export:
    admin@pa-220> request certificate show-blocked <shared | vsys>
  • Use the following operational CLI command to check whether a particular certificate’s private key is blocked from export:
    admin@pa-220> request certificate is-blocked certificate-name <name>
    If the certificate is blocked from export, the command returns yes and if the certificate is not blocked the command returns no.