Threat Map Report

Threat Map Report

Table of Contents

Threat Map Report

The App Scope Threat Map report (MonitorApp ScopeThreat Map) shows a geographical view of threats, including severity. Each threat type is color-coded as indicated in the legend below the chart.
The firewall uses geolocation for creating threat maps. The firewall is placed at the bottom of the threat map screen, if you have not specified the geolocation coordinates (DeviceSetupManagement, General Settings section) on the firewall.
The Threat Map report contains the following buttons and options.
Top 10
Determines the number of records with the highest measurement included in the chart.
Incoming threats
Displays incoming threats.
Outdoing threats
Displays outgoing threats.
Applies a filter to display only the selected type of items.
Zoom In and Zoom Out
Zoom in and zoom out of the map.
Exports the graph as a .png image or as a PDF.
Indicates the period over which the measurements are taken.