: Device > Policy Recommendation > IoT or SaaS > Import Policy Rule

Device > Policy Recommendation > IoT or SaaS > Import Policy Rule

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Device > Policy Recommendation > IoT or SaaS > Import Policy Rule

Import a policy rule recommendation into the security policy rulebase.
Configure these settings to import a policy rule recommendation into the security policy rulebase and then click OK:
LocationChoose a virtual system (in next-generation firewalls) or one or more device groups (in Panorama) to import the rule into.
Suggested LocationIf the logs received from next-generation firewalls include information about zones and device groups, there might be suggested locations for various policy rules. If so, they appear here as an option.
Destination TypeSelect either Pre-Rulebase to add the recommended policy rules before rules defined locally on a firewall or Post-Rulebase to add them after rules defined locally.
After RuleChoose the name of a policy rule in the rulebase to import the selected policy rule or rules after or choose No Rule Selection to import the selected rules to the top.
DescriptionAdd a useful description about the rule recommendations you're importing for future reference.