: Network Packet Broker Policy Optimizer Rule Usage

Network Packet Broker Policy Optimizer Rule Usage

Table of Contents

Network Packet Broker Policy Optimizer Rule Usage

For Network Packet Broker policy rules, Policy Optimizer displays Rule Usage statistics that you can use to determine whether a policy is in use. You can view rule usage over different time frames and investigate why a rule hasn’t been used as expected and delete unused or outdated rules.
The time period (number of days) for which data is displayed.
  • Any all Network Packet Broker policy rules on the firewall over the specified Timeframe, regardless of whether traffic matched the rules (used rules) or not (unused rules).
  • Unused rules that traffic has not matched over the specified Timeframe.
  • Used rules that traffic has matched over the specified Timeframe.
Exclude rules reset during the last “n” days
Omits displaying rules for which you Reset Rule Hit Counter within the specified number of days (from 1-5,000 days). For example, this enables you to examine older rules that have not matched traffic over a particular Timeframe while excluding newer rules that may not have had time to match traffic.
The name of the Network Packet Broker policy rule.
Packet Broker
  • Profile—The name of the Packet Broker profile associated with the policy rule.
  • Traffic Type—The type or types of traffic the rule controls (one or more of decrypted TLS, non-decrypted TLS, and non-TLS traffic).
Rule Usage
  • Hit Count—The number of times that traffic matched the rule.
  • Last Hit—The most recent time that traffic matched the rule.
  • First Hit—The first time that traffic matched the rule.
  • Reset Date—The last date on which the rule’s hit counter was reset.
The date and time that the rule was last modified.
The date and time that the rule was created.