What's New in Remote Browser Isolation
Remote Browser Isolation

What's New in Remote Browser Isolation

Table of Contents

What's New in Remote Browser Isolation

Review the new features in Remote Browser Isolation (RBI).
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
Review the latest feature updates for Remote Browser Isolation (RBI). You can also see what's new in the NetSec platform.

What's New in July 2024

Mobile Support for Remote Browser Isolation

Supported in:
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
To help broaden the device support for your managed users, mobile support is added for Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) in addition to macOS and Windows desktop operating systems. Your managed users can now use Android, iOS, and iPadOS devices for isolated browsing.
Refer to How Remote Browser Isolation Works for the combination of operating systems and browsers that are supported for RBI.

Browser Support for Remote Browser Isolation

Supported in:
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
In addition to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari browsers, the Firefox browser is now supported for Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) on macOS and Windows desktop operating systems.
Refer to How Remote Browser Isolation Works for the combination of operating systems and browsers that your users can use for isolated browsing.

What's New in June 2024

Third-Party CDR Integration for Remote Browser Isolation

Supported in:
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager) 5.0 Innovation
Protect your users against zero-day threats hidden in files that they download from the internet by integrating Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) with a third-party content disarm and reconstruction (CDR) provider.
When users browse the web and download various types of files to their local devices, they are exposed to zero-day threats. Even with file scanning or antivirus solutions in play, these threats could escape detection, allowing malware to be delivered to your users’ managed devices and rendering them as patient-zero.
With third-party CDR integration, any files downloaded while in RBI will be disarmed and reconstructed using CDR. The CDR provider will remove the malicious content from the files and deliver the sanitized files in their original file formats to the user.
You can integrate with Votiro to utilize Votiro's CDR capabilities to process and appropriately sanitize a file before it is downloaded to the user’s device from RBI, thus keeping the user protected from any potentially malicious executables embedded in the file.