The other licenses needed to view the Activity Insights:
Regions tab are:
Strata Logging Service
These are the regions from which the traffic originated in your network.
The view provides information on threats, users, URLs, network sessions, and data
transfer originating from these locations. You can also drill down to know the
targeted location of the traffic. Click Actions to view the traffic logs for
the session. You can use the data to identify and narrow down regions that are
targets for threats attempting to infiltrate your network. Optimize the rule that applies to the
targeted regions.
There are filtering options to narrow down the traffic to and from a
specific source and destination regions. The other filtering options include:
traffic seen in a specific deployment; Prisma Access, NGFW
traffic to and from sanctioned or unsanctioned applications
traffic using specific port and protocols
traffic involving specific threat types, threat category, URL, and URL
Reports- You cannot generate report that cover the data in this view. However,
you can utilize the Network Usage report to know details about your network traffic.
To schedule report, from the Strata Cloud ManagerReports menu, click the
icon and select Network Usage from the Type