Service Connections
Strata Cloud Manager

Service Connections

Table of Contents

Service Connections

View and monitor your service connections.
Select MonitorData CentersService Connections to get started.
View aggregated Service Connections data as well as information about individual service connections. Service connections enable both mobile users and remote networks. Beyond providing access to corporate resources, service connections allow your mobile users to reach branch locations. For a detailed description of these widgets, see View and Monitor Data Centers in the Prisma Access Administration Guide.
  • Select a time range to view Service Connections by status and their bandwidth consumption trend.
  • View the health status of all your service connections.
  • View the bandwidth consumption trend for all of your service connections.
  • View data about your service connections, such as the status, the remote IP address, BGP status, current tunnel status, and other data. Select any service connection to view its details.