View Devices Associated with Your Strata Logging Service Instance
Strata Logging Service

View Devices Associated with Your Strata Logging Service Instance

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View Devices Associated with Your Strata Logging Service Instance

Manage the devices connected to Strata Logging Service from the Inventory tab.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • NGFW (Managed by PAN-OS or Panorama)
  • NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
You must have at least one of these licenses to useStrata Cloud Manager:
  • Prisma Access
  • AIOps for NGFW Premium
  • Prisma SD-WAN
Strata Logging Service
From the Inventory page, you can view a list of devices and tenants onboarded to your Strata Logging Service instance.
If you are using Strata Cloud Manager to manage Strata Logging Service, click SettingsStrata Logging ServiceInventory to manage devices onboarded to your Strata Logging Service instance.

Panorama Appliances

This list does not show the mapping of a Panorama to its managed firewalls.
You can Generate OTP and Add devices only in Standalone Strata Logging Service app. When you select these options in Strata Cloud Manager, you will be automatically redirected to Strata Logging Service app.
Generate OTP to create the one-time password used to onboard Panorama-managed firewalls to your Strata Logging Service instance.
Panorama uses this OTP to install the logging service certificate. For Panorama 10.1 or later, go to the Customer Support Portal to get the OTP for installing the device certificate.
Add a Panorama appliance to onboard a new appliance to your Strata Logging Service instance or move an appliance from one instance to another.
NameThe name under which the Customer Support Portal registered the Panorama. If unnamed, then the name appears as Panorama.
You can change this name in the Customer Support Portal.
ModelThe model of the Panorama
Serial NumberThe unique serial number of the Panorama
PAN-OS VersionThe version of PAN-OS that the Panorama is running
Last Contact TimeThe last time that the Panorama communicated with Strata Logging Service, either to query logs or fetch reports
Certificate StatusWhether the Panorama has the certificate necessary to connect to Strata Logging Service. Hover over the certificate status to see which certificate the Panorama is using to connect to Strata Logging Service: logging service certificate or device certificate.
  • Needs Certificate—The certificate is missing. This device can't connect to Strata Logging Service.
  • Activated—This device has the certificate necessary to connect to Strata Logging Service
  • Expired—The certificate has expired. The device is unable to connect to Strata Logging Service until you renew the certificate.
  • Expiring in 7 Days—The certificate will expire in 7 days. Renew the certificate as soon as possible to remain connected to Strata Logging Service
You can only have one Panorama (or high availability pair) associated with your instance at a time.


Check only show firewalls that are storing logs to hide the firewalls that send data to Strata Logging Service only for ingestion and further streaming to other Palo Alto Networks applications.
You can Generate PSK and Add devices only in Standalone Strata Logging Service app. When you select these options in Strata Cloud Manager, you will be automatically redirected to Strata Logging Service app.
Generate PSK to create the pre-shared key used to onboard a firewall running PAN-OS 10.0 or earlier to your Strata Logging Service instance.
Add a firewall to onboard a new firewall to your Strata Logging Service instance or move a device from one instance to another.
Above the firewalls table, you can see the number of firewalls with each connection status.
Select the chart icon (
) on any table row to view a chart of the incoming log rate and connectivity history for the firewall:
NameThe name under which the Customer Support Portal registered the Firewall. If unnamed, then the name appears as Firewall.
You can change the firewall name in the Customer Support Portal.
ModelThe model of the firewall
Serial NumberThe unique serial number of the firewall
PAN-OS VersionThe version of PAN-OS that the firewall is running
Managed By PanoramaWhether a Panorama manages the firewall or not
Connection Status
Whether the firewall can connect to Strata Logging Service. This can have four different values:
  • Connected—The firewall has an active channel through which it's sending session logs to Strata Logging Service.
  • Partially Connected—The firewall does not have an active channel through which it's sending session logs to Strata Logging Service. However, it's sending Enhanced Application logs on a second channel.
  • Disconnected—The firewall does not have an active channel through which to send sessions logs to Strata Logging Service, and it's not sending Enhanced Application logs.
  • Need Certificate—The firewall does not have the certificate to connect to Strata Logging Service
Ingestion Rate
The rate, in logs per second, at which the firewall is sending logs to Strata Logging Service
Storage Used
The amount of your Strata Logging Service storage capacity that a firewall is using at this point in time
Apps Using Log DataAll apps that consume data from the firewall
Store Log DataChoose whether Strata Logging Service stores firewall data or only ingests it.
  • OnStrata Logging Service will store the log data.
  • OffStrata Logging Service will only ingest the log data.
After you toggle On, Strata Logging Service can take up to 15 minutes to start storing log data for the firewall.
If toggled On and grayed out, this switch means that the IoT Security package to which you subscribe requires that you store log data.
You can set log retention policy for your entire Strata Logging Service instance from StorageConfiguration.
Last Contact TimeThe last time that the device communicated with Strata Logging Service, either to send logs or to report telemetry
Certificate StatusWhether the firewall has the certificate necessary to connect to Strata Logging Service. Hover over the certificate status to see which certificate the Panorama is using to connect to Strata Logging Service: logging service certificate or device certificate
  • Needs Certificate—The certificate is missing. This device can't connect to Strata Logging Service.
  • Activated—This device has the certificate necessary to connect to Strata Logging Service
  • Expired—The certificate has expired. The device is unable to connect to Strata Logging Service until you renew the certificate.
  • Expiring in 7 Days—The certificate will expire in 7 days. Renew the certificate as soon as possible to remain connected to Strata Logging Service

Cloud NGFW

View Cloud NGFW resources associated with your Strata Logging Service instance.
IDThe ID of the Cloud NGFW resource.
Ingestion Rate
The rate, in logs per second, at which Strata Logging Service is ingesting logs from a Cloud NGFW resource. This is a sum across all devices with the same resource ID.
Storage Used
The amount of your Strata Logging Service storage capacity that the Cloud NGFW resource is using. This is a sum across all devices with the same resource ID.
Last Contact TimeThe last time that the Cloud NGFW resource communicated with Strata Logging Service

Prisma Access

View the Prisma Access instances associated with your Strata Logging Service instance.
Instance NameThe name under which the Customer Support Portal registered the Prisma Access instance. If unnamed, then the name appears as Prisma Access.
Ingestion Rate
The rate, in logs per second, at which Prisma Access is sending logs to Strata Logging Service
Storage Used
The amount of your Strata Logging Service storage capacity that the Prisma Access instance is using at this point in time.
Last Contact TimeThe last time that the Prisma Access instance communicated with Strata Logging Service