Tag GenAI Apps in the Insights Dashboard
AI Access Security

Tag GenAI Apps in the Insights Dashboard

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Tag GenAI Apps in the Insights Dashboard

Apply tags to the application to reflect whether the GenAI app is approved within your organization from the Insights dashboard in Strata Cloud Manager.
  1. Log in to Strata Cloud Manager.
  2. Associate the predefined Application-Tagging snippet with appropriate Configuration Scope to support tag-based policy enforcement.
  3. Obtain the child App-IDs you want to tag.
    You can obtain the child App-IDs for a GenAI app using one of the following ways.
    • Use the AI Access Security Insights dashboard to discover risks posed by GenAI apps. AI Access Security Insights shows you the detected child App-IDs used across your organization.
    • Review the list of supported GenAI apps and use Applipedia to search for the child App-IDs of supported GenAI apps.
  4. Select InsightsActivity InsightsApplications.
  5. Locate the GenAI child App-ID you want to tag. If necessary, you can filter the table to show only the GenAI applications.
    1. Add Filter and add the GenAI Application filter.
    2. Set the GenAI Application filter to TRUE.
  6. To review the tags that are applied to the GenAI App-ID, examine the values in the Tag column.
  7. Apply a different tag to the child GenAI App-ID.
    1. In the Actions column, select the tag icon and choose the Sanctioned, Tolerated, or Unsanctioned tag.
    2. Apply the new tag.