Review the CN-Series Deployment Checklist to understand
the tasks needed to deploy the CN-Series Firewall.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
CN-Series deployment
CN-Series 10.1.x or above Container Images
Panorama running PAN-OS 10.1.x or above version
Helm 3.6 or above version client for CN-Series deployment with helm
To deploy the CN-Series firewall, you
must complete the following tasks:
If you have not done so already, License the CN-Series Firewall—generate your authorization code
and have it on hand when you are ready to deploy the CN-Series firewall.
Review the CN-Series Prerequisites—before you begin your deployment, make sure
you understand the system requirements needed to deploy the CN-Series
Deploy Panorama—you must use Panorama to configure, deploy,
and manage your CN-Series firewall deployment. For more information
about deploying and setting up a Panorama appliance, see Set Up Panorama.
Edit the HELM chart to fit your deployment—Alternatively, you can also edit the yaml files and
review the Editable Parameters in CN-Series Deployment YAML Files before your deploy the
CN-Series firewall. Many of the parameters set in the yaml files must be
modified to successfully deploy the CN-Series firewall.
(Optional) If you are deploying your CN-Series firewall
as a Kubernetes service, you can Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling on the CN-Series. Horizontal
Pod Autoscaling (HPA) allows your CN-Series firewall deployment
to autoscale dynamically along with your Kubernetes environment.
Configure Panorama to Secure a Kubernetes Deployment—after you
have deployed your CN-Series firewall, use Panorama to configure
security policies that enable traffic enforcement and push those
policies to the firewall.