Allow Password Access to Certain Sites (PAN-OS & Panorama)
Advanced URL Filtering

Allow Password Access to Certain Sites (PAN-OS & Panorama)

Table of Contents

Allow Password Access to Certain Sites (

  1. Set a URL admin override password.
    1. Select
      Content ID
    2. In the
      URL Admin Override
      section, click
    3. In the
      field, select the virtual system to which this password applies.
    4. Enter a
      , then enter it again to
      Confirm Password
    5. Select an
      SSL/TLS Service Profile
      SSL/TLS service profiles specify the certificate that the firewall presents to the user if the site with the override is an HTTPS site.
    6. Select a
      for prompting user for the password:
      • Transparent
        —The password prompt appears to originate from the original destination URL. The firewall intercepts the browser traffic destined for sites in a URL category set to override and issues an HTTP 302 to prompt for the password, which applies on a per-vsys level.
        The client browser will display certificate errors if it does not trust the certificate.
      • Redirect
        —The password prompt appears from an
        (IP address or DNS hostname) that you specify. The firewall intercepts HTTP or HTTPS traffic to a URL category set to override and uses an HTTP 302 redirect to send the request to a Layer 3 interface on the firewall.
    7. Click
  2. (
    ) Set the duration of override access and password lockouts.
    By default, users can access websites in categories for which they have successfully entered an override password for 15 minutes. After the default or custom interval passes, users must re-enter the password.
    By default, users are blocked for 30 minutes after three failed password attempts. After the user is locked out for the default or custom duration, they can try to access the websites again.
    1. Edit the URL Filtering section.
    2. For
      URL Admin Override Timeout
      , enter a value (in minutes) from 1 to 86,400. ---By default, users can access sites within the category for 15 minutes without re-entering the password.
    3. For
      URL Admin Lockout Timeout
      , enter a value (in minutes) from 1 to 86,400.
    4. Click
  3. (
    Redirect mode only
    ) Create a Layer 3 interface to which to redirect web requests to sites in a category configured for override.
    1. Create a management profile to enable the interface to display the URL Filtering Continue and Override Page response page:
      1. Select
        Interface Mgmt
        and click
      2. Enter a
        for the profile, select
        Response Pages
        , and then click
    2. Create the Layer 3 interface. Be sure to attach the management profile you just created (on the
      Other Info
      tab of the Ethernet Interface dialog).
  4. (
    Redirect mode only
    ) To transparently redirect users without displaying certificate errors, install a certificate that matches the IP address of the interface to which you are redirecting web requests to a site in a URL category configured for override.You can either generate a self-signed certificate or import a certificate that is signed by an external CA.
    To use a self-signed certificate, you must first create a root CA certificate and then use that CA to sign the certificate you will use for URL admin override as follows:
    1. To create a root CA certificate, select
      Certificate Management
      Device Certificates
      and then click
      . Enter a
      Certificate Name
      , such as RootCA. Do not select a value in the
      Signed By
      field (this is what indicates that it is self-signed). Make sure you select the
      Certificate Authority
      check box and then click
      the certificate.
    2. To create the certificate to use for URL admin override, click
      . Enter a
      Certificate Name
      and enter the DNS hostname or IP address of the interface as the
      Common Name
      . In the
      Signed By
      field, select the CA you created in the previous step. Add an IP address attribute and specify the IP address of the Layer 3 interface to which you will be redirecting web requests to URL categories that have the override action.
    3. Generate
      the certificate.
    4. To configure clients to trust the certificate, select the CA certificate on the
      Device Certificates
      tab and click
      . You must then import the certificate as a trusted root CA into all client browsers, either by manually configuring the browser or by adding the certificate to the trusted roots in an Active Directory Group Policy Object (GPO).
  5. Specify which URL categories require an override password to enable access.
    1. Select
      URL Filtering
      and either select an existing URL Filtering profile or
      a new one.
    2. On the
      tab, set the Action to
      for each category that requires a password.
    3. Complete any remaining sections on the URL Filtering profile and then click
      to save the profile.
  6. Apply the URL Filtering profile to the Security policy rule(s) that allows access to the sites requiring password override for access.
    1. Select
      and select the appropriate Security policy to modify it.
    2. Select the
      tab and in the
      Profile Setting
      section, click the drop-down for
      URL Filtering
      and select the profile.
    3. Click
      to save.
  7. Commit
    the configuration.

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