Customize URL Filtering Response Pages
Advanced URL Filtering

Customize URL Filtering Response Pages

Table of Contents

Customize URL Filtering Response Pages

Learn how to customize the URL Filtering response pages that display when users access sites in URL categories with block, continue, or override policy actions.
Where can I use this?
What do I need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • NGFW (Managed by PAN-OS or Panorama)
  • Legacy URL filtering licenses are discontinued, but active legacy licenses are still supported.
  • Prisma Access
    licenses include
    Advanced URL Filtering
By default, URL filtering response pages explain why a requested URL can't be accessed and show the user's IP address, the requested URL, and the URL category. You can customize the response pages to meet the needs of your enterprise. For example, you can change the message displayed to users, add corporate branding, or link to an acceptable use policy.
To customize a page, export it from a platform and modify it in a text editor. You can make updates using the provided response page variables and references. Response page variables correspond to the specific user, URL, and category that was blocked. Response page references enable the use of images, sounds, style sheets, and links.
The Panorama
web interface does not support the export of response pages.
Custom response pages larger than the maximum supported size are not decrypted or displayed to users. In PAN-OS 8.1.2 and earlier PAN-OS 8.1 releases, custom response pages on a decrypted site can't exceed 8,191 bytes; the maximum size is 17,999 bytes in PAN-OS 8.1.3 and later releases.

Customize URL Filtering Response Pages (
Strata Cloud Manager

Customize predefined URL Access Management response pages.
If you’re using Panorama to manage
Prisma Access
Toggle over to the
tab and follow the guidance there.
If you’re using
Strata Cloud Manager
, continue here.
  1. Export the default response pages you want to customize.
    1. Select
      NGFW and
      Prisma Access
      Security Services
      URL Access Management
    2. In the Response Pages pane, click
      Export HTML Template
      for each response page you want to edit.
    3. Save the files to your system.
  2. Edit an exported response page.
    1. Using the HTML text editor of your choice, edit the page:
      • To display custom information about the specific user, URL, or category that was blocked, add one or more response page variables.
      • To include custom images, sounds, style sheets, or links, include one or more response page references.
    2. Save the edited page with a new filename.
      Make sure that the page retains its UTF-8 encoding. For example, in Notepad you'd select
      from the
      drop-down in the Save As dialog.
  3. Import the customized response page.
    1. Select
      NGFW and
      Prisma Access
      Security Services
      URL Access Management
    2. In the Response Pages pane, click the type of response page you customized. A file selection dialog appears.
      For example, if you customized the URL Access Management Block Page, you'd click
      URL Access Management Block Page
    3. Click
      Choose File
      , and then select the file you customized.
    4. Click
  4. Click
    Push Config
  5. Verify that the customized response page displays.
    From a web browser, visit a URL that will trigger the response page. For example, to verify a customized URL Access Management Block Page, visit a URL blocked by your Security policy rules.
    The firewall uses the following ports to display the URL Access Management response pages:
    • HTTP
    • Default TLS with firewall certificate
    • Custom SSL/TLS profile

Customize URL Filtering Response Pages (

  1. Export the predefined response pages you want to customize.
    The Panorama web interface does not support the export of response pages. You can export response pages directly from the web interface of a specific firewall or use the Context drop-down on the Panorama web interface to quickly switch to the web interface of a managed firewall.
    1. Select
      Response Pages
    2. Select the
      of response page you want to edit. A dialog for the specific response page appears.
    3. Select
      , and then select
    4. Close
      the dialog.
      ) Repeat steps two through four for additional response pages.
    5. Save the files to your system.
  2. Customize an exported HTML response page.
    1. Open the file in a preferred text editor.
    2. Save the edited file with a new name.
      Make sure that the page retains its UTF-8 encoding. For example, in Notepad you would select
      from the
      drop-down in the Save As dialog.
  3. Import the customized response page.
    1. Select
      Response Pages
    2. Select the
      of response page you edited. A dialog for the specific response page appears.
    3. Select
      , and then select
      . An Import File dialog appears.
      Import File
      for the edited response page.
    4. (
      ) For
      , select the virtual system that will use the response page, or select
      to make it available to all virtual systems.
    5. Click
      , and then
      the dialog.
  4. Commit
    your changes.
  5. Test the customized response page.
    From a web browser, visit a URL that triggers the particular response page. For example, to verify a URL Filtering and Category Match response page, visit a URL blocked in a Security policy rule. Verify that your changes appear.
    The firewall uses the following ports to display the URL filtering response pages:
    • HTTP
    • Default TLS with firewall certificate
    • Custom SSL/TLS profile

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