Predefined URL Filtering Response Pages
Advanced URL Filtering

Predefined URL Filtering Response Pages

Table of Contents

Predefined URL Filtering Response Pages

Review images and descriptions of the URL filtering response pages provided by default.
Where can I use this?
What do I need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • NGFW (Managed by PAN-OS or Panorama)
  • Legacy URL filtering licenses are discontinued, but active legacy licenses are still supported.
  • Prisma Access
    licenses include
    Advanced URL Filtering
URL filtering response pages display on web browsers when access to a requested URL has been restricted. Each response page explains why the page cannot be accessed, and most pages list information about the user, the requested URL, and the URL category that triggered the blocking action.
You may observe variations in the appearance of the response pages across different PAN-OS software releases. However, the functionality remains the same.
Remember that you can customize the response pages to meet your specific needs.
  • URL Filtering and Category Match Block Page
    Access blocked by a URL Filtering profile or because the URL category is blocked by a Security policy rule.
  • URL Filtering Continue and Override Page
    Page with initial block policy that allows users to bypass the block by clicking
    . With URL Admin Override enabled (Allow Password Access to Certain Sites), after clicking
    , the user must supply a password to override the policy that blocks the URL.
  • URL Filtering Safe Search Block Page
    Access blocked by a Security policy rule with a URL Filtering profile that has the Safe Search Enforcement option enabled (see Safe Search Enforcement). The user will see this page if a search is performed using Google, Bing, Yahoo, or Yandex and their browser or search engine account setting for Safe Search is not set to strict.
  • Anti Phishing Block Page
    This page displays to users when they attempt to enter corporate credentials (usernames or passwords) on a web page in a category for which credential submissions are blocked. The user can continue to access the site but remains unable to submit valid corporate credentials to any associated web forms. To control the sites to which users can submit corporate credentials, you must configure User-ID and enable credential phishing prevention based on URL category.
  • Anti Phishing Continue Page
    This page warns users against submitting credentials (usernames and passwords) to a web site. Warning users against submitting credentials can help to discourage them from reusing corporate credentials and to educate them about possible phishing attempts. They must select Continue to proceed to credentials on the site. To control the sites to which users can submit corporate credentials, you must configure User-ID and enable credential phishing prevention based on URL category.

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