Enable ADEM Self-Serve
Autonomous DEM

Enable ADEM Self-Serve

Table of Contents

Enable ADEM Self-Serve

You have the option to enable or disable the notifications sent to your users’ device. When enabled, the notifications pop up on the screen and display for 5 seconds.
On MacOS, the first time an application attempts to display a notification the operating system will ask the user for permission to do so, if they select No, this disables notifications for this app in system settings. The user can enable the notification at any time later on. On Windows, the notifications are enabled by default. Users can enable/disable notifications in their system Settings. On Macintosh, notifications are disabled by default.
On Macintosh, when enabling Self-Serve for a user, the Notification & Focus window automatically pops up. Select GlobalProtect Autonomous DEM and make sure that the Allow Notifications option in the settings are turned on.
Make sure that you whitelist the following processes on your EDR deployments before you enable ADEM Self Serve:
On Windows:
  • C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\DEM\deployment\DEMAnalyticsProcess.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\DEM\deployment\GlobalProtectAutonomousDEMSelfServe.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\DEM\deployment\GlobalProtectAutonomousDEM.exe
On Macintosh:
  • /Applications/GlobalProtect Autonomous DEM.app/Contents/Services/DemAnalyticsService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/DemAnalyticsService
  • /Applications/GlobalProtect Autonomous DEM.app/Contents/Services/DemUserProxyService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/DemUserProxyService
  • /Applications/GlobalProtect Autonomous DEM.app/Contents/Library/GlobalProtect Autonomous DEM Menu.app/Contents/MacOS/GlobalProtect Autonomous DEM Menu
  • /Applications/GlobalProtect Autonomous DEM.app/Contents/MacOS/GlobalProtect Autonomous DEM
To enable or disable the feature:
  1. Open the Monitored Mobile Users page.
  2. Click the Self Serve tab.
  3. Slide the button next to Self Serve Notifications to the right to enable the feature or to the left to disable ADEM Self-Serve and Save your configuration.