View Total Number of WiFi Notifications Sent to a User
Autonomous DEM

View Total Number of WiFi Notifications Sent to a User

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View Total Number of WiFi Notifications Sent to a User

You can view the total number of WiFi notifications sent to a user within a Time Range you select on the User Details page. To do so,
  1. Open the Monitored Mobile Users page.
  2. Click the User Experience tab, if not already open.
  3. Scroll down to the Monitored Mobile Users table widget.
  4. Click the user’s name in the User Name column to open the User Details page.
  5. in the Path to <application> widget, click WiFi to open the WiFi metrics under App Performance Metrics.
  6. Scroll down to the WiFi Metrics widget.
    The WiFi signal strength trend line displays a dot on the trend line every time the user receives a notification. The number under WiFi Signal Quality represents the total number of WiFi notifications that this user received during the specified Time Range.
    Toggle the Show Notifications button to either display or hide the notification metrics.