ADEM Settings - License Details
Autonomous DEM

ADEM Settings - License Details

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ADEM Settings - License Details

License Type
Whether the license is a paid license or a trial (unpaid) license.
License Count and Dates
  • Mobile Users
    User CountThe total number of ADEM licenses purchased, the number of licenses in use, and the number of licenses that are not yet in use (available). License consumption is counted per user and not per the number of devices that the user is logged into. Hence, even if one user has logged into multiple devices, the license count used will be counted as one.
    Application TestsThe total application tests purchased, the number of tests in use and the number of tests that can still be created and used.
    Expiration DateThe days remaining until the licenses expire
  • Remote Sites
    BandwidthTotal bandwidth purchased, amount of bandwidth used, and amount of bandwidth available
    Expiration DateNumber of days left until the bandwidth expires.