Upgrade the CN-Series firewalls in your Kubernetes cluster.
Where Can I Use
This? | What Do I Need? |
- CN-Series upgrade
- CN-Series deployment
- CN-Series 10.1.x or above Container Images
- Panorama running PAN-OS 10.1.x or above
The CN-MGMT pods (management plane) and the
CN-NGFW pods (data plane) must always be on the same PAN-OS version. There
are two ways to upgrade or downgrade your CN-Series firewall deployment.
For either method, you must schedule the upgrade or downgrade during
a planned maintenance window.
Migrate the CN-Series Firewall
—You can upgrade the CN-Series from PAN-OS 10.1.x to 10.2.x, 11.0.x. You can
also upgrade from 10.2.x to 11.0.x. However, you cannot upgrade the CN-Series
from PAN-OS 10.0.x to PAN-OS 10.1.x or 10.2.x; instead, you must redeploy the
CN-Series. Additionally, you cannot upgrade directly from a CN-Series as a
DaemonSet deployment to a CN-Series as a Service deployment. You must redeploy
the CN-Series to move from one deployment method to another.
Upgrade the CN-Series Firewall—Rolling Update
—Use the
new version to upgrade an existing CN-MGMT statefulset by modifying
the image in pan-cn-mgmt.yaml or by using the kubectl command, and
then upgrading the CN-NGFW pods.
Upgrade the CN-Series
Firewall—Rolling Update with Additional CN-MGMT StatefulSet
this version to deploy an additional CN-MGMT statefulset in the
cluster by setting up new the new pan-cn-mgmt-configmap.yaml.and
pan-cn-mgmt.yaml files and deploying them.
Upgrade the CN-Series Firewall—Redeploy
your existing CN-Series firewall deployment and replace the existing
deployment completely. In this workflow, you must plan for a longer
maintenance window because all the firewalls will be offline at
the same time, and all the secured application traffic will be impacted
until the firewalls pods are up again.
The Redeploy
and Rolling update with Additional CN-MGMT StatefulSet methods create
a new serial number for the CN-MGMT pods, and you must install the
dynamic content updates for
the subscriptions you have purchased. Review the Release Notes for
the PAN-OS version to verify the minimum content version that is
required and install it on the CN-MGMT pods.