User Sign-Out Restriction

User Sign-Out Restriction

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User Sign-Out Restriction

Prohibit or allow users to log out of GlobalProtect by configuring a new option in the app configuration of your GlobalProtect portal.
Software Support: Starting with GlobalProtect™ app 5.1 with Content Release version 8196-5685
OS Support: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Chrome OS
You can now prohibit or allow users to log out of GlobalProtect by configuring a new option in the app configuration of your GlobalProtect portal.
  1. On the firewall configured to act as the GlobalProtect portal, select the relevant app configuration.
    Select NetworkGlobalProtectPortals<portal-config>Agent<agent-config>App.
  2. Choose whether you want to Allow user to Sign Out from GlobalProtect App.
    Select Yes (the default), to allow a user to sign out of the GlobalProtect app. With this option you have the flexibility to troubleshoot when a user reports an issue with being unable to connect or access the resources to do their job. Your IT help desk team can coach the user to sign out of the GlobalProtect app, and sign in to the app themselves to debug the issue.
    Select No to prohibit sign out. This option is a security-first approach, and it allows you to ensure that users cannot sign out from the GlobalProtect app and bypass the security controls that you want to enforce.
  3. Click OK twice.
  4. Commit the configuration.