Logging service and device licenses permit next-generation
firewalls to connect to the logging service and IoT Security. Logging
service and device certificates authenticate these connections.
Firewalls need these licenses and certificates to integrate with
IoT Security.
Firewalls running PAN-OS 8.1–10.0 use logging service certificates
to secure communications with the logging service so they can forward
various logs to
it. From PAN-OS 10.0, when
Device-ID was
introduced, firewalls use device certificates to secure communications
IoT Security to get IP address-to-device mappings and recommended
policy rules. (Note: Panorama-managed firewalls can get recommended
policy rules either directly from
IoT Security or indirectly from
IoT Security through Panorama.) From PAN-OS 10.1, firewalls use
just one device certificate to secure connections to both the logging
service and
IoT Security. Panorama also uses a device certificate
to secure communications with
IoT Security.