Table of Contents

Manage LLDP

Getting started using openconfig-lldp data model.
Review the LLDP YANG deviation file before using the openconfig-lldp model to familiarize yourself with supported paths.

Globally Enable LLDP

The example shows a gNMI call that globally enables LLDP:
gnmic -a --port 9339 -u admin -p password --skip-verify -e JSON_IETF --timeout 300s set --update /lldp/enabled:::bool:::true
A successful update request returns:
Set Response: { "timestamp": 1619041389507147469, "time": "2021-04-21T14:43:09.507147469-07:00", "results": [ { "operation": "UPDATE", "path": "lldp/enabled" } ] }

Enable LLDP for Aggregate Interface

This example shows a gNMI call that enables an individual aggregate ethernet interface.
gnmic -a --port 9339 -u admin -p password --skip-verify -e JSON_IETF --timeout 300s set --update /lldp/interfaces/interface[name=ae1]/enabled:::bool:::true
A successful update request returns:
{ "timestamp": 1619041489486221608, "time": "2021-04-21T14:44:49.486221608-07:00", "results": [ { "operation": "UPDATE", "path": "lldp/interfaces/interface[name=ae1]/enabled" } ] }

Retrieving LLDP Configuration

You can retrieve LLDP state information and global configuration information by using the following command:
gnmic -a --port 9339 -u admin -p password --skip-verify -e JSON_IETF --timeout 300s get --path /lldp/
[ { "timestamp": 1619040961585845211, "time": "2021-04-21T14:36:01.585845211-07:00", "updates": [ { "Path": "lldp", "values": { "lldp": { "config": { "enabled": false, "hello-timer": "30" }, "openconfig-lldp:interfaces": { "interface": [ { "config": { "enabled": true, "name": "ae1" }, "name": "ae1", "state": { "counters": { "frame-discard": "0", "frame-error-in": "0", "frame-error-out": "0", "frame-in": "0", "frame-out": "0", "tlv-discard": "0" }, "enabled": true, "name": "ae1" } }, Truncated