: Change CLI Modes

Change CLI Modes

Table of Contents

Change CLI Modes

The CLI provides two command modes:
  • Operational—Use operational mode to view information about the firewall and the traffic running through it or to view information about Panorama or a Log Collector. Additionally, use operational mode commands to perform operations such as restarting, loading a configuration, or shutting down. When you log in, the CLI opens in operational mode.
  • Configuration—Use configuration mode to view and modify the configuration.
You can switch between operational and configuration modes at any time, as follows:
  • To switch from operational mode to configuration mode:
    username@hostname> configure 
    Entering configuration mode 
    Notice that the command prompt changes from a > to a #, indicating that you successfully changed modes.
  • To switch from configuration mode to operational mode, use either the quit or exit command:
    username@hostname# quit 
    Exiting configuration mode 
  • To enter an operational mode command while in configuration mode, use the run command, for example:
    username@hostname# run ping host 
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data 