: Upgrade Panorama with an Internet Connection

Upgrade Panorama with an Internet Connection

Table of Contents

Upgrade Panorama with an Internet Connection

If Panorama™ has a direct connection to the internet, perform the following steps to install Panorama software and content updates as needed. If Panorama is running in a high availability (HA) configuration, upgrade the Panorama software on each peer (see Upgrade Panorama in an HA Configuration). If you are upgrading Panorama and managed devices in FIPS-CC mode to PAN-OS® 11.1 from PAN-OS 10.2 or earlier release, you must take the additional steps of resetting the secure connection status of the devices in FIPS-CC mode if added to Panorama management while running a PAN-OS 10.2 release. See Upgrade Panorama and Managed Devices in FIPS-CC Mode for more details on upgrading Panorama and FIPS-CC devices in FIPS-CC mode.
Upgrading the software on the Panorama virtual appliance does not change the system mode; switching to Panorama mode or Management Only mode is a manual task that requires additional settings as described when you Set Up the Panorama Virtual Appliance with a Local Log Collector.
Palo Alto Networks introduced new log data formats at different points in your upgrade path depending on the PAN-OS version you are upgrading from.
  • Upgrade from PAN-OS 8.1 to PAN-OS 9.0
    —PAN-OS 9.0 introduced a new log data format for local and Dedicated Log Collectors. On your upgrade path to PAN-OS 11.1, existing log data is automatically migrated to the new format when you upgrade from PAN-OS 8.1 to PAN-OS 9.0.
  • Upgrade from PAN-OS 10.0 to PAN-OS 10.1
    —PAN-OS 10.1 introduced a new log format for local and Dedicated Log Collectors. On your upgrade path to PAN-OS 11.1, logs generated in PAN-OS 8.1 or earlier are no longer available. This includes logs migrated as part of the upgrade to PAN-OS 9.0. After upgrade to PAN-OS 10.1, you have the option to recover and migrate these logs to the PAN-OS 10.1 log format.
You must upgrade all Log Collectors in a collector group at the same time to avoid losing log data loss. No log forwarding or log collection occurs if the Log Collectors in a collector group are not all running the same PAN-OS version. Additionally, the log data for the Log Collectors in the collector group is not visible in the
tabs until all Log Collectors are running the same PAN-OS version. For example, if you have three Log Collectors in a collector group and you upgrade two of the Log Collectors, then no logs are forwarded to any Log Collectors in the collector group.
Before upgrading Panorama, refer to the Release Notes for the minimum content release version required for PAN-OS® 11.1.
  1. Verify that the updates you plan to install are appropriate for your Panorama deployment.
    Palo Alto Networks highly recommends that Panorama, Log Collectors, and all managed firewalls run the same content release version.
  2. The Skip Software Version Upgrade feature enables you to skip up to three releases when upgrading Panorama running PAN-OS 11.0 or later versions.
    Review PAN-OS Upgrade Checklist, the known issues and changes to default behavior in the Release Notes and Upgrade/Downgrade Considerations for each release through which you pass as part of your upgrade path.
  3. Before you begin upgrading a Panorama Node, you must synchronize the Panorama Controller and Panorama Node configuration. This is required to successfully push the common Panorama Controller configuration to your Panorama Node after successful upgrade.
  4. Save a backup of the current Panorama configuration file that you can use to restore the configuration if you have problems with the upgrade.
    Although Panorama automatically creates a backup of the configuration, best practice is to create and externally store a backup before you upgrade.
    1. Save named Panorama configuration snapshot
      ), enter a
      for the configuration, and click
    2. Export named Panorama configuration snapshot
      , select the
      of the configuration you just saved, click
      , and save the exported file to a location that is external to Panorama.
  5. (
    Best Practices
    ) If you are leveraging
    Strata Logging Service
    , install the Panorama device certificate.
    Panorama automatically switches to using the device certificate for authentication with
    Strata Logging Service
    ingestion and query endpoints on upgrade to PAN-OS 11.1.
    If you do not install the device certificate prior to upgrade to PAN-OS 11.1, Panorama continues to use the existing logging service certificate for authentication.
  6. Enable the following TCP ports on your network.
    These TCP ports must be enabled on your network to allow inter-Log Collector communication.
    • TCP/9300
    • TCP/9301
    • TCP/9302
  7. Install the latest content updates.
    If Panorama is not running the minimum content versions required for the Panorama release to which you intend to upgrade, you must update content versions to the minimum (or later) versions before you install the software updates. Refer to Release Notes for minimum content release version for a Panorama release.
    Palo Alto Networks® highly recommends that Panorama, Log Collectors, and all managed firewalls run the same content release version. Additionally, we recommend that you schedule automatic, recurring updates so that you are always running the latest content versions (refer to 17).
    1. Select
      Dynamic Updates
      Check Now
      for the latest updates. If the value in the Action column is
      , an update is available.
      Ensure that Panorama is running the same but not a later content release version than is running on managed firewalls and Log Collectors.
    2. (Before you update the content release version on Panorama, be sure to Upgrade the Firewall to PAN-OS 11.1 from Panorama and then Log Collectors (see Upgrade Log Collectors When Panorama Is Internet-Connected) to the same (or a later) content release version.
      If you do not need to install content updates at this time, then skip ahead to the next step.
    3. Install remaining content updates, as needed. When installed, the Currently Installed column displays a check mark.
      1. Download
        the Applications or Applications and Threats update. Regardless of your subscription, Panorama installs and needs only the Applications content update, not the Threats content. For details, see Panorama, Log Collector, Firewall, and WildFire Version Compatibility.
      2. Download
        other updates (Antivirus, WildFire®, or URL Filtering) as needed, one at a time, and in any sequence.
  8. Select
    the plugin version supported on PAN-OS 11.1 for all plugins currently installed on Panorama.
    See the Compatibility Matrix for the Panorama plugin version supported for your target PAN-OS 11.1 release.
    This is required to successfully upgrade Panorama from PAN-OS 11.0 to PAN-OS 11.1. Upgrade to PAN-OS 11.1 is blocked if the supported plugin version is not downloaded.
    The downloaded plugins required to upgrade to PAN-OS 11.1 automatically install after Panorama successfully upgrades to PAN-OS 11.1. If a downloaded plugin does not automatically install, you must manually install the impacted plugin after upgrade to PAN-OS 11.1.
  9. Upgrade Panorama to PAN-OS 11.1.
    1. Check Now
      ) for the latest releases.
      PAN-OS 11.1.3 and later releases
      ) By default, the preferred releases and the corresponding base releases are displayed. To view the preferred releases only, disable (clear) the
      Base Releases
      checkbox. Similarly, to view the base releases only, disable (clear) the
      Preferred Releases
    2. Locate and
      the PAN-OS 11.1.0 image.
    3. (
      Panorama mode only
      ) A notification is displayed if you have local Log Collector that contains logs generated in PAN-OS 10.0 or earlier releases.
      This notification is displayed the first time you attempt to
      PAN-OS 11.1.2 or later 11.1 release and is not displayed a second time after the notification is closed. It warns you that logs generated by Panorama or managed devices when running PAN-OS 10.0 or earlier release are detected and will be deleted on upgrade. This means that the impacted logs are not viewable or searchable after successful upgrade.
      However, you can recover these impacted logs after upgrade. The notification also provides you with the following information:
      • Impacted log types.
      • Impacted time frames for each log type.
      • Each
        debug logdb migrate-lc
        command required to recover the impacted logs for each log type.
        Copy the listed
        debug logdb migrate-lc
        before you
        the notification.
      the notification.
    4. Validate and download the software and content versions required for the target release.
      In this step, you can view and download the intermediate software and content images required to upgrade to PAN-OS 11.1.
      Downloading software and content images using multi-image download is optional. You can still download images one at a time.
      1. Click
      2. View the intermediate software and content versions you need to download.
      3. Select a download source and click
    5. Install
      the downloaded image and then reboot.
      1. Install the image.
      2. After the installation completes successfully, reboot using one of the following methods:
        • If prompted to reboot, click
          . If you see a CMS Login prompt, press Enter without typing a username or password. When the Panorama login prompt appears, enter the username and password you specified during initial configuration.
        • If you are not prompted to reboot,
          Reboot Panorama
          from the Device Operations section (
      Continue to the next step after Panorama successfully reboots.
  10. (
    PAN-OS 11.1.2 and later releases; Panorama mode only
    ) Log in to the Panorama CLI and recover the impacted logs using the
    debug logdb migrate-lc
    commands listed in the previous step.
    These commands must be run sequentially and cannot be run simultaneously. If you didn't copy the
    debug logdb migrate-lc
    commands from the notification window, click
    and view the failed
    job details.
  11. Verify that your Panorama plugin versions are supported PAN-OS 11.1.
    You must verify and install Panorama plugin version supported on PAN-OS 11.1 after you successfully upgrade Panorama. See the Compatibility Matrix for more information about supported Panorama plugins supported on PAN-OS 11.1.
    1. Log in to the Panorama web interface and review the General Information widget in the
      to verify the PAN-OS 11.1 compatible plugin versions successfully installed.
      You can also log in to the Panorama CLI and enter the command
      show plugins installed
      to view the list of currently installed plugins.
    2. Select
      and search for the plugin that did not install.
    3. Install
      the plugin version supported on PAN-OS 11.1.
    4. Repeat the steps above until all plugins installed on Panorama are running the version supported on PAN-OS 11.1.
  12. (
    If local Log Collector is in a Collector Group
    ) Upgrade the remaining Log Collectors in the Collector Group.
  13. (
    Panorama and managed devices in FIPS-CC mode
    ) Upgrade Panorama and Managed Devices in FIPS-CC Mode.
    Upgrading Panorama and managed devices in FIPS-CC mode requires you to reset the secure connection status of the devices in FIPS-CC mode if added to Panorama management while running a PAN-OS 11.1 release. You need to re-onboard the following managed devices to Panorama management:
    • Managed devices in FIPS-CC mode added to Panorama using the device registration authentication key.
    • Managed devices in the normal operational mode added to Panorama using the device registration authentication key
    You do not need to re-onboard managed devices added to Panorama management while the managed device was running a PAN-OS 10.0 or earlier release.
  14. Regenerate or re-import all certificates to adhere to OpenSSL Security Level 2.
    This step is required if you upgrade from PAN-OS 10.1 or earlier release to PAN-OS 11.1. Skip this step if you upgrade from PAN-OS 10.2 and have already regenerated or re-imported your certificates.
    It is required that all certificates meet the following minimum requirements:
    • RSA 2048 bits or greater, or ECDSA 256 bits or greater
    • Digest of SHA256 or greater
    See the PAN-OS Administrator's Guide or Panorama Administrator's Guide for more information on regenerating or re-importing your certificates.
  15. (
    Recommended for Panorama mode
    ) Increase the memory of the Panorama virtual appliance to 64GB.
    After you successfully upgrade the Panorama virtual appliance in Panorama mode to PAN-OS 11.1, Palo Alto Networks recommends increasing the memory of the Panorama virtual appliance to 64GB to meet the increased system requirements to avoid any logging, management, and operational performance issues related to an under-provisioned Panorama virtual appliance.
  16. Select
    Commit and Push
    Commit and Push
    the Panorama managed configuration to all managed devices.
    After you successfully upgrade Panorama and managed devices to PAN-OS 11.1, a full commit and push of the Panorama managed configuration is required before you can push selective configuration to your managed devices and leverage the improved shared configuration object management for multi-vsys firewalls managed by Panorama.
  17. (
    Best Practice
    ) Schedule recurring, automatic content updates.
    Panorama does not synchronize content update schedules across HA peers. You must perform this task on both the active and passive Panorama.
    In the header row for each update type (
    Dynamic Updates
    ), the
    is initially set to
    . Perform the following steps for each update type.
    1. Click
      and select the update frequency (
      ). The frequency options depend on the update type.
    2. Select the schedule action:
      • Download And Install
        Best Practice
        )—Panorama automatically installs updates after downloading them.
        Download Only
        —You must manually install updates after Panorama downloads them.
    3. Based on the best practices for the security posture of your organization, configure a delay (
      ) after an update becomes available before Panorama downloads the update.
    4. Click
      to save your changes.
    5. Select
      Commit to Panorama
      your changes.

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