Table of Contents
End-of-Life (EoL)

Enable API Access

The API supports the following types of Administrators and Admin roles:
  • Dynamic roles: Superuser, Superuser (readonly), Device admin, Device admin (readonly), Vsys admin, Vsys admin (readonly)
  • Role-based Admins: Device, Vsys, Panorama.
Admin Role profiles enable or disable features on the management interfaces of the firewall or Panorama, XML API, web interface, and CLI. For more details on Administrative Roles, see Configure an Admin Role Profile.
As a best practice, set up a separate admin account for XML API access.
  1. Select an Admin Role profile.
    Go to DeviceAdmin Roles and select or create an admin role.
  2. Select features available to the admin role.
    1. Select the XML API tab.
    2. Enable or disable XML API features from the list, such as Report, Log, and Configuration.
    3. Select OK to confirm your change.
  3. Assign the admin role to an administrator account.