Allow Listing GlobalProtect Mobile Users (Panorama)
Prisma Access


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Allow Listing GlobalProtect Mobile Users (

Learn how to enable the egress IP allowlists for existing Panorama managed mobile users.
To enable you to add the public (egress) IP addresses for your GlobalProtect—Mobile User deployment to any SaaS application allow lists you use within your organization,
Prisma Access
provides the IP addresses and lets you verify that you have added them to your allow list before using them in your environment.
This method of egress IP address allocation has the following benefits:
  • It ensures that
    Prisma Access
    only provisions IP addresses that you have allow listed.
  • It prevents mobile users from attempting to connect to Prisma Access from an IP address that is blocked by your organization’s network.
    Prisma Access
    does not release IP addresses to your deployment until they have been confirmed by you as allow listed.
  • It provides a way to retrieve your current egress IP addresses without using the API.
Prisma Access allocates egress IP addresses in the following situations:
  • When you onboard your locations during mobile user onboarding.
    Prisma Access allocates two gateway IP addresses for each location you onboard.
    If you onboard a location, and other locations in the same compute location are experiencing an autoscale event,
    Prisma Access
    might allocate more than two IP addresses for the new location. In this situation, be sure that you add all these IP addresses to your allow lists and confirm all addresses as being
    Added to My Allow List
  • During a large scaling event.
    If the number of mobile users exceeds the capacity of the two pre-allocated IP addresses,
    Prisma Access
    allocates one more set of two IP addresses.
    Autoscale events affect all the onboarded locations in a compute location. When an autoscale event occurs for a location and you have not yet confirmed the addresses as being added to your allow lists, all locations in that compute location will show an
    Autoscale Status
    Not Allowed
    Autoscale Status
    shows the status of the autoscaling in Prisma Access.
    • Allowed
      —You have added IP addresses to the allow lists. If a large number of mobile users log in to a single location and trigger an autoscale event,
      Prisma Access
      will use the allow listed IP addresses for the autoscale event.
    • Not Allowed
      —You have not specified all IP addresses as being added to your allow lists in the Prisma Access UI, or you have not committed and pushed your changes after marking them as added. If
      Prisma Access
      triggers an autoscale event,
      Prisma Access
      will not provision more IP addresses to add more capacity for the location.
      Every time that you add a location, or every time that
      Prisma Access
      adds IP addresses as a result of an autoscale event, you need to refresh the page that contains the
      Egress IP Allow List
      table, specify
      Added to My Allow List
      to mark the IP addresses as being added to your organization’s allow lists, and
      Commit and Push
      your changes.
    To keep informed of any IP addresses that
    Prisma Access
    adds as a result of an autoscale event, you can set up a URL where
    Prisma Access
    will notify you of IP address changes.
You are not required to enable this functionality; you choose whether or not to let
Prisma Access
release the IP addresses until you have confirmed them as being allow listed in the UI.
To prevent
Prisma Access
from provisioning public (egress) GlobalProtect IP addresses to your deployment until you have added them to your allow lists, specify
in the
Using IP Allow List in SaaS Apps
setting during Mobile Users—GlobalProtect onboarding. Confirm that you have added them in the
Prisma Access
UI by completing the following task.
  1. Select
    Cloud Services
    Mobile Users—GlobalProtect
  2. Select your
    it (for an existing deployment), or
    your deployment for the first time (for a new deployment).
  3. Specify
    Using IP Allow List in SaaS Apps
  4. Continue your
    Prisma Access
    onboarding, including selecting the locations to use in your Mobile Users—GlobalProtect deployment, and
    Commit and Push
    your changes.
    It might take up to a minute for the changes to be reflected in the UI. If you view the
    Egress IP Allow List
    before committing and pushing your changes, it shows a status of
    0/0 Egress IPs Confirmed Allow Listed
    , because
    Prisma Access
    has not assigned any egress IP addresses to your deployment.
  5. View the
    Egress IP Allow List
    table, and make a note of the egress IP addresses that need to be added to your allow lists.
    You can view the egress IP addresses in the
    Confirmed Allow Listed Egress IPs / Allocated
    field of the
    Egress IP Allow List
    table. The first number indicates whether or not the IP address has been confirmed as being added to your allow lists.
    The following example shows the IP addresses for the US Northeast location. The description of
    0/2 Egress IPs Confirmed Allow Listed
    indicates that 0 of the two egress IP addresses have been marked as being added to your allow lists, and you need to add them.
    If you have a new
    Prisma Access
    deployment, or if you have added locations or had an autoscale event, the table shows that none of the egress IP addresses have been added to your organization’s allow list.
    If you have an existing
    Prisma Access
    deployment, the table shows a
    Provisioning Status
    and an
    Autoscale Status
    , which indicates that
    Prisma Access
    marked the egress IP addresses as added.
    Prisma Access
    will allocate two addresses for each newly-added location. If an existing location has previously had an autoscale event when a large number of mobile users logged in to a single location at the same time,
    Prisma Access
    allocates additional egress IP address in multiples of two, and an existing location could have four or more addresses.
  6. Find the new egress IP addresses that need to be added to your organization’s allow lists by selecting the
    name in the table.
  7. Add these egress IP addresses to your organization’s allow lists.
  8. After you have allow listed the egress IP address, return to the egress IP area and indicate that you have added them to your allow lists by selecting
    Added to My Allow List
  9. Commit and push your changes to make them active in
    Prisma Access
    1. Select
      Commit and Push
      Edit Selections
      in the Push Scope.
    2. Select
      Prisma Access
      , then make sure that
      Mobile Users
      is selected.
    3. Click
      to save your changes to the Push Scope.
    4. Commit
      your changes.
    If you view the
    Egress IP Allow List
    table before committing and pushing your changes, the Confirmed column shows a status of
    0/0 Egress IPs Confirmed Allow Listed
    Prisma Access
    has not assigned any IP addresses to your deployment until you
    Commit and Push
    Egress IP Allow List
    table contains the following additional fields:
    The onboarded mobile user location.
    Confirmed Allow Listed Egress IPs / Allocated
    The number of egress IP addresses that have been confirmed as being allow listed, and the number of egress IP addresses that have been allocated.
    Provisioning Status
    The allow listing status of the egress IP addresses.
    • Provisioned
      —You have added the egress IP addresses to your organization’s allow lists, have confirmed them as having been added in the
      Prisma Access
      UI by checking
      Added to My Allow List
      , and have committed and pushed your changes to make them fully provisioned.
    • Not Provisioned
      —Prisma Access has allocated IP addresses for the location, and you have added the egress IP addresses to your organization’s allow lists and confirmed them as having been added in the Prisma Access UI, but you have not yet onboarded this location.
    • Cannot Be Provisioned
      —You have onboarded this location, but have not yet checked
      Add to My Allow List
      and committed and pushed your changes.
      Until you specify in
      Prisma Access
      that you have added these egress IPs to your organization’s allow lists and
      Commit and Push
      your changes,
      Prisma Access
      will not provision these IP addresses to your deployment.
    • Provisioned with partial capacity
      —You have added the first set of egress IP addresses, have confirmed them as having been added in the
      Prisma Access
      UI, and have Committed and Pushed your changes. However,
      Prisma Access
      has added another set of IP addresses as part of an autoscale event, and those IP addresses have not been specified as added to your allow lists in the
      Prisma Access
      The following screenshot shows an example of a deployment that would be marked as
      Provisioned with partial capacity
      . Two IP addresses have been marked as
      Added to My Allow List
      ; however,
      Prisma Access
      has added two more IP addresses to this location, and those locations have not been added in the UI.
    Autoscale Status
    Shows the status of the autoscaling in
    Prisma Access
    • Allowed
      —You have added IP addresses to the allow lists. If a large number of mobile users log in to a single location and trigger an autoscale event,
      Prisma Access
      will use the allow listed IP addresses for the autoscale event.
    • Not Allowed
      —You have not specified all IP addresses as being added to your allow lists in the
      Prisma Access
      UI, or you have not committed and pushed your changes after marking them as added. If
      Prisma Access
      triggers an autoscale event,
      Prisma Access
      will not provision more IP addresses to add more capacity for the location.
      Every time that you add a location, or every time that
      Prisma Access
      adds IP addresses as a result of an autoscale event, you need to refresh the page that contains the
      Egress IP Allow List
      table, specify
      Added to My Allow List
      to mark the IP addresses as being added to your organization’s allow lists, and
      Commit and Push
      your changes.
    To keep informed of any IP addresses that Prisma Access adds as a result of an autoscale event, you should set up a URL where
    Prisma Access
    will notify you of IP address changes.
    The last known time when an IP was allocated for this region in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
    After you
    Commit and Push
    , the Confirmed column will show a status of
    0/2 Egress IPs Confirmed Allow Listed
    , because you have not yet confirmed the IP addresses as having been allow listed in the
    Prisma Access
When you onboard a mobile user location,
Prisma Access
provides you with two egress IP addresses - one active IP address and one address to use in case of an autoscale event. The following provides examples of how
Prisma Access
allocates and provisions egress IP addresses after an autoscale event.
Autoscale Event
—If a large number of mobile users log in to a mobile user location at the same time, that event might cause
Prisma Access
to allocate an additional set of two egress IP addresses to accommodate the large number of users. After you have allow listed the first two egress IP addresses, the status before an autoscale event shows the two egress IP addresses as being allow listed with a confirmed status of
2/2 Egress IPs Confirmed Allow Listed
, a provisioning status of
, and an autoscale status of
, as shown in the Hong Kong location in the following screenshot.
If a large number of mobile users log in to the Hong Kong location at the same time,
Prisma Access
makes the backup egress IP address active and allocates two more IP addresses and makes one of them active. When an autoscale event occurs, the egress IP addresses have been allocated but not provisioned, the confirmed status is
2/4 Egress IPs Confirmed Allow Listed
, and the provisioning status shows
Provisioned without enough capacity
. In addition, the autoscale status shows
Not Allowed
, which means that
Prisma Access
will not provision the extra egress IP address to your deployment if an autoscale event occurs.
After you have added the new egress IP addresses to your allow lists, select the location name; then, select
Added to My Allow List
for the two IP addresses that were added and
Commit and Push
your changes.
When complete, the Hong Kong location shows that all four egress IP addresses are confirmed and provisioned, and autoscaling is active.

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