debug logging facility

debug logging facility

Table of Contents

debug logging facility

Use the debug logging facility command to set the log level for a component.


debug logging facility= <facility name> module = <module name> level = [trace | debug | warning | info | error | notice | alert | crit]


traceEnter trace to set logging facility to trace for a component.
debugEnter debug to set logging facility to debug for a component.
warningEnter warning to set logging facility to warning for a component.
infoEnter info to set logging facility to info for a component.
errorEnter error to set logging facility to error for a component.
criticalEnter critical to set logging facility to critical for a component.
noticeEnter notice to set logging facility to notice for a component. Release 5.6.1
alertEnter alert to set logging facility to alert for a component. Release 5.6.1

Command Notes

Related Commands
debug create filter
Introduced inRelease 4.6.1


debug logging facility=mcastsvc levels <debug | info | notice | error | crit | alert> For PIMD daemon: debug logging facility=local7 levels <debug | info | notice | error | crit | alert>