WildFire Dashboard: Top Firewalls
Strata Cloud Manager

WildFire Dashboard: Top Firewalls

Table of Contents

WildFire Dashboard: Top Firewalls

Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access
    (with Strata Cloud Manager or Panorama configuration management)
  • NGFWs
    (with Strata Cloud Manager or Panorama configuration management)
  • Each of these licenses include access to Strata Cloud Manager:
    • Prisma Access
    • AIOps for NGFW Free (use the AIOps for NGFW Free app) or AIOps for NGFW Premium license (use the Strata Cloud Manager app)
  • Advanced WildFire license
  • (for VM-Series software NGFWs)
  • A role that has permission to view the dashboard
  • Click DashboardsMore DashboardsWildFire to view the dashboard.
View the firewalls that are submitting the most malicious samples for WildFire analysis. Review these firewalls to track down the impacted endpoints and reconfigure the policy rules to mitigate the threats and contain the malicious files at the source.