: Configure an Admin Role Profile

Configure an Admin Role Profile

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Configure an Admin Role Profile

Admin Role profiles are custom Administrative Roles that enable you to define granular administrative access privileges to ensure protection for sensitive company information and privacy for end users. As a best practice, create Admin Role profiles that allow administrators to access only the areas of the management interfaces required to perform their jobs.
  1. Select DeviceAdmin Roles and select the Template in which to configure a firewall admin role profile.
    You must create an Admin Role profile on the firewall and assign it to the Panorama management server Admin Role profile to allow administrators to context switch between Panorama and managed firewall web interfaces.
  2. Select PanoramaAdmin Roles and click Add.
  3. Enter a Name for the profile and select the Role type: Panorama or Device Group and Template.
  4. Configure access privileges to each functional area of Panorama (Web UI) by toggling the icons to the desired setting: Enable (read-write), Read Only, or Disable.
    If administrators with custom roles will commit device group or template changes to managed firewalls, you must give those roles read-write access to PanoramaDevice Groups and PanoramaTemplates. If you upgrade from an earlier Panorama version, the upgrade process provides read-only access to those nodes.
  5. If the Role type is Panorama, configure access to the XML API by toggling the Enabled/Disabled icon for each functional area.
  6. If the Role type is Panorama, select an access level for the Command Line interface: None (default), superuser, superreader, or panorama-admin.
  7. (Optional) To allow Panorama administrators to Context Switch between the Panorama and firewall web interface, enter the name of Device Admin Role you configured in Step 1.
  8. Click OK to save the profile.