Learn which WildFire® guest VM images (analysis environments) you can use in supported
Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS® versions.
We support the following WildFire® guest VM images (analysis environments) in
PAN-OS® (WildFire) releases. When ready, upgrade your WF-500 appliances to the
appropriate image.
Make sure to download and install the correct WildFire VM image for your WF-500
appliances. Installing a WildFire VM image that the PAN-OS (WildFire) release
running on your appliance does not support will produce error messages, fail to
process samples, and won't detect malware as expected.
WF-500 Appliance Analysis Environment
WF-500 Appliance Guest VM Filename
Minimum Compatible PAN-OS Version
Windows XP (Adobe Reader
11, Flash 11, Office 2010)