Add or Delete an Identity Federation Owner Through Common Services
Learn how to add or delete an identity federation owner through the Common Services.
After you add an identity federation, you
can add additional owners to manage the domain and the identity federation. After
you add owners, you can also
Scroll to your identity federation of choice and Add
Enter email addresses of the new owners and Add
The additional owners who are added by the original owner are of the
“Owner Grant” type and they are automatically verified. They do not
have to be verified by TXT record like the original owner.
Scroll to your Owner Grant identity federation owner of choice and
Delete the owner.
Confirm that you want to delete the owner.
To delete a DNS Verification owner, you must first go to your domain
provider’s console and delete the owner. Otherwise the txt record is
still being verified from when you originally added an identity
federation, so the delete request will be canceled.