Manually Configure a SAML Identity Provider Through the Common Services
Learn how to manually configure a SAML identity provider
through Common Services.
After you add an identity federation and
you choose to configure a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
provider manually, you complete the following steps.
Manually configure a SAML provider from Common ServicesIdentity & AccessIdentity Federations.
Select Configure
Identity Provider.
Select Enter ManuallyNext.
Go to your identity provider’s console, download the
certificate, and take note of all the provider’s details. The console details
look similar to the following, but all providers are slightly different.
In your identity provider’s console, set up the Attribute Statements for
firstName of user.firstName,
lastName of user.lastName, and
email of Without them, you will only see
a blank name in the hub or Strata Cloud Manager. The console details look
similar to the following, but all providers are slightly different.
Upload Certificate for your identity provider
certificate. Use .crt files only.
Enter your Identity Provider ID.
Enter your Identity Provider SSO URL.
Select Next.
The Configure Identity Provider button is replaced with
the Login URL that you configured. The Login URL is how Palo Alto
Networks knows where to send the user when they log in. This is
disabled by default. Select ActionsEnable.