: Collector Group Configuration

Collector Group Configuration

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Collector Group Configuration

To configure a Collector Group, click Add and complete the following fields.
Collector Group Settings
Configured In
PanoramaCollector GroupsGeneral
Enter a name to identify this Collector Group (up to 31 characters). The name is case-sensitive and must be unique. Use only letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, and underscores.
Log Storage
Indicates the total storage quota for firewall logs that the Collector Group receives and the available space.
Click the storage quota link to set the storage Quota(%) and expiration period (Max Days) for the following log types:
  • Detailed Firewall Logs—Includes all the log types in the DeviceSetupLogging and Reporting Settings, such as traffic, threat, HIP match, dynamically registered IP addresses (IP tag), extended PCAPs, GTP and Tunnel, App Stats, and more.
  • Summary Firewall Logs—Includes all the summary logs included in DeviceSetupLogging and Reporting Settings, such as traffic summary, threat summary, URL summary, and GTP and tunnel summary.
  • Infrastructure and Audit Logs—Includes the config, system, user-ID and authentication logs.
  • Palo Alto Networks Platform Logs—Includes logs from Traps and other Palo Alto Networks products.
  • 3rd Party External Logs—Includes logs from other vendor integrations provided by Palo Alto Networks.
To use the default settings, click Restore Defaults.
Min Retention Period (days)
Enter the minimum log retention period in days (1–2,000) that Panorama maintains across all Log Collectors in the Collector Group. If the current date minus the date of the oldest log is less than the defined minimum retention period, Panorama generates a System log as an alert violation.
Collector Group Members
Add the Log Collectors that will be part of this Collector Group (up to 16). You can add any of the Log Collectors that are available in the PanoramaManaged Collectors page. All the Log Collectors for any particular Collector Group must be the same model: for example, all M-500 appliances or all Panorama virtual appliances.
After you add Log Collectors to an existing Collector Group, Panorama redistributes its existing logs across all the Log Collectors, which can take hours for each terabyte of logs. During the redistribution process, the maximum logging rate is reduced. In the PanoramaCollector Groups page, the Log Redistribution State column indicates the completion status of the process as a percentage.
Enable log redundancy across collectors
If you select this option, each log in the Collector Group will have two copies and each copy will reside on a different Log Collector. This redundancy ensures that, if any one Log Collector becomes unavailable, no logs are lost: you can see all the logs forwarded to the Collector Group and run reports for all the log data. Log redundancy is available only if the Collector Group has multiple Log Collectors and each Log Collector has the same number of disks. Log redundancy applies only to newly ingested logs after the setting is enabled and not to existing logs.
In the PanoramaCollector Groups page, the Log Redistribution State column indicates the completion status of the process as a percentage. All the Log Collectors for any particular Collector Group must be the same model: for example, all M-500 appliances or all Panorama virtual appliances.
Because enabling redundancy creates more logs, this configuration requires more storage capacity. Enabling redundancy doubles the log processing traffic in a Collector Group, which reduces its maximum logging rate by half, as each Log Collector must distribute a copy of each log it receives. (When a Collector Group runs out of space, it deletes older logs.)
Forward to all collectors in the preference list
(PA-5200 Series and PA-7000 Series firewalls only) Select to send logs to every Log Collector in the preference list. Panorama uses round-robin load balancing to select which Log Collector receives the logs at any given moment. This is disabled by default: firewalls send logs only to the first Log Collector in the list unless that Log Collector becomes unavailable (see Devices / Collectors).
Enable Secure Inter LC CommunicationEnables the use of custom certificates for mutual SSL authentication between Log Collectors in a Collector Group.
PanoramaCollector GroupsMonitoring
Specify the location of the Collector Group.
Specify an email contact (for example, the email address of the SNMP administrator who will monitor the Log Collectors).
Specify the SNMP version for communication with the Panorama management server: V2c or V3.
SNMP enables you to collect information about Log Collectors, including connection status, disk drive statistics, software version, average CPU usage, average logs/second, and storage duration per log type. SNMP information is available on a per Collector Group basis.
SNMP Community String (V2c only)
Enter the SNMP Community String, which identifies a community of SNMP managers and monitored devices (Log Collectors, in this case), and serves as a password to authenticate the community members to each other.
Don’t use the default community string public; it is well known and therefore not secure.
Views (V3 only)
Add a group of SNMP views and, in Views, enter a name for the group.
Each view is a paired object identifier (OID) and bitwise mask: the OID specifies a managed information base (MIB) and the mask (in hexadecimal format) specifies which SNMP objects are accessible within (include matching) or outside (exclude matching) that MIB.
For each view in the group, Add the following settings:
  • View—Enter a name for a view.
  • OID—Enter the OID.
  • Option (include or exclude)—Choose whether the view will exclude or include the OID.
  • Mask—Specify a mask value for a filter on the OID (for example, 0xf0).
Users (V3 only)
Add the following settings for each SNMP user:
  • Users—Enter a username for authenticating the user to the SNMP manager.
  • View—Select a group of views for the user.
  • Authpwd—Enter a password for authenticating the user to the SNMP manager (minimum eight characters). Only Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) is supported for encrypting the password.
  • Privpwd—Enter a privacy password for encrypting SNMP messages to the SNMP manager (minimum eight characters). Only Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is supported.
Devices / Collectors
PanoramaCollector GroupsDevice Log Forwarding
The log forwarding preference list controls which firewalls forward logs to which Log Collectors. For each entry that you Add to the list, Modify the Devices list to assign one or more firewalls and Add one or more Log Collectors in the Collectors list.
By default, the firewalls you assign in a list entry will send logs only to the primary (first) Log Collector as long as it is available. If the primary Log Collector fails, the firewalls send logs to the secondary Log Collector. If the secondary fails, the firewalls send logs to the tertiary Log Collector, and so on. To change the order, select a Log Collector and click Move Up or Move Down.
You can override the default log forwarding behavior for PA-5200 Series and PA-7000 Series firewalls by selecting Forward to all collectors in the preference list in the General tab.
PanoramaCollector GroupsCollector Log Forwarding
For each type of firewall log that you want to forward from this Collector Group to external services, Add one or more match list profiles. The profiles specify which logs to forward and the destination servers. For each profile, complete the following:
  • Name—Enter a name of up to 31 characters to identify the match list profile.
  • Filter—By default, the firewall forwards All Logs of the type this match list profile applies to. To forward a subset of the logs, select an existing filter or select Filter Builder to add a new filter. For each query in a new filter, specify the following fields and Add the query:
    • Connector—Select the connector logic (and/or). Select Negate if you want to apply negation. For example, to avoid forwarding logs from an untrusted zone, select Negate, select Zone as the Attribute, select equal as the Operator, and enter the name of the untrusted Zone in the Value column.
    • Attribute—Select a log attribute. The options vary by log type.
    • Operator—Select the criterion that determines how the attribute applies (such as equal). The options vary by log type.
    • Value—Specify the attribute value to match.
To display or export the logs that the filter matches, select View Filtered Logs. This tab provides the same options as the Monitoring tab pages (such as MonitoringLogsTraffic).
  • Description—Enter a description of up to 1,023 characters to explain the purpose of this match list profile.
  • Destination servers—For each server type, Add one or more server profiles. To configure server profiles, see Device > Server Profiles > SNMP Trap, Device > Server Profiles > Syslog, Device > Server Profiles > Email, or Device > Server Profiles > HTTP.
  • Built-in Actions—You can Add actions for all log types except System and Configuration logs:
    • Enter a descriptive name for the Action.
    • Select the IP address you want to tag—Source Address or Destination Address. You can tag only the source IP address in Correlation logs and HIP Match logs.
    • Select the action—Add Tag or Remove Tag.
    • Select whether to register the tag with the local User-ID agent on this Panorama, or with a remote User-ID Agent.
      To register tags with a Remote device User-ID Agent, select the HTTP server profile that will enable forwarding.
    • Configure the IP-Tag Timeout to set, in minutes, the amount of time that IP address-to-tag mapping is maintained. Setting the timeout to 0 means that the IP-Tag mapping does not timeout (range is 0 to 43200 (30 days); default is 0).
      You can only configure a timeout with the Add Tag action.
    • Enter or select the Tags you want to apply or remove from the target source or destination IP address.
HIP Match
Ingestion Profile
PanoramaCollector GroupsLog Ingestion
Add one or more log ingestion profiles that allow Panorama to receive logs from the Traps ESM server. To configure a new log ingestion profile, see Panorama > Log Ingestion Profile.