Configure Active/Passive HA for two SD-WAN branches or hubs.
You can configure two firewalls as a branch in active/passive HA mode (or two firewalls as a hub
in active/passive HA mode) to be part of your SD-WAN environment. In this case,
Panorama™ needs to push the same configuration to the active peer and the passive
peer, rather than treat the two firewalls individually. To make that happen, you
configure active/passive HA before adding the devices for SD-WAN, so that Panorama
is aware the devices are HA peers and pushes the same configuration to them. (Only
HA active/passive mode is supported.)
through the following procedure before you begin so you don’t Commit
after adding your HA peers as SD-WAN devices.
HA, the firewall does not synchronize SD-WAN session distribution
statistics. After an HA failover, the session distribution statistics
display only statistics of new sessions; statistics of existing
sessions are lost.